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Typewriting (English) 2010 Question Paper For CBSE Class XII Exams

Part I

Answer the following questions in less than 25 words each.
  1. Define a Blocked style of paragraph.
  2. Which words of salutation are used in a D.O. letter?
  3. What do you mean by 'public Notice'?
  4. Explain the meaning of horizontal centering in typing.
  5. What is the specialty of a Personal Letter?
  6. . State the use of Bichrome switch in a typewriter.
  7. What do you mean by Machine Assembly in carbon man folding?
  8. Write the full forms of (i) Sd. And (ii) Rs.
  9. Name the two methods of centering a heading.
  10. What is a Manuscript?
Part II

Answer the following question in about 50 words each.

  1. How will you make corrections in original and carbon copies of a document?
  2. What is a stencil paper and how is it typed?
  3. Explain the meaning and purpose of a U.O. Note.
  4. What do you mean by the following proof correction signs ?

    (ii) //
    (iii) #
    (iv) stat

  5. Indentify and explain four qualities of a good typist.
  6. Explain the steps for economy of carbon.

Answer the following questions in 75 to 200 words each.

  1. What are the essential parts of a business letter? Explain them brifly.


    What is an official letter? Explain the parts of an official letter.

  2. Explain the meaning and purpose of O.M. and Office Order. OR What is a D.O. letter? Differentiate between a D.O. letter and a Personal letter.

Typewriting (English) 2010 Question Papers Class XII

CBSE 2010 Question Papers Class XII