CBSE Class X Sample Papers

CBSE Class X Mathematics Sample Papers for 2015 Examination

Maths Sample paper based on CBSE pattern.
Mr. Ashok Kumar

Maths Sample paper based on CBSE pattern. SOLUTION CLASS X MATHS FINAL TEST

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0.00 KB 12235 Downloads
Maths Sample paper based on CBSE pattern.
Mr. Harsharanjit Kanda

Maths Sample paper based on CBSE pattern. Problems asked by students in class

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0.00 KB 5127 Downloads
Maths Sample paper based on CBSE pattern.
Mr. Jayant Sharma

Maths Sample paper based on CBSE pattern. CBSE Sample paper for term 1

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0.00 KB 13580 Downloads
Maths Guess paper based on CBSE pattern.
Mr. Jayant Sharma

Maths Guess paper based on CBSE pattern. CBSE Guess paper for Term 1

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0.00 KB 5429 Downloads
Maths Guess paper based on CBSE pattern.
Mr. Ashok Kumar

Maths Guess paper based on CBSE pattern. Important question of ( Co-ordinate,perimeter & area of plane fig.,circle, sector & segment, vol. surface area of solids)

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0.00 KB 2636 Downloads
Maths Sample paper based on CBSE pattern.
Mr. Ramanath.P.S

Maths Sample paper based on CBSE pattern. It is a sample paper on the CBSE pattern

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0.00 KB 7907 Downloads
Maths Sample paper based on CBSE pattern.
Mr. Syed Iqbal

Maths Sample paper based on CBSE pattern. This paper is prepared for class 10 cbse students who are appearing the exams in march 2015.I feel this will help them out and gives the idea for preparation

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0.00 KB 6734 Downloads
Maths Sample paper based on CBSE pattern.
Mr. Syed Iqbal

Maths Sample paper based on CBSE pattern. This paper will help to the students who are appearing exams 2014-15for class x,and gives idea how to prepare themselves

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0.00 KB 15228 Downloads
Maths Sample paper based on CBSE pattern.
Mr. Vishvas Sir

Maths Sample paper based on CBSE pattern. From problems asked by students in class

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0.00 KB 11841 Downloads
Maths Sample paper based on CBSE pattern.
Mr. Manish Saxena

Maths Sample paper based on CBSE pattern. Test on AP Quadratic and Circle

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0.00 KB 7686 Downloads
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