UGC NET Admit Card 2024
Admit Card for UGC NET June 2024:
- The Admit Card would be issued provisionally to the candidates of UGC - NET June 2024, subject to fulfilment of eligibility criteria.
- The candidate has to download the Admit Card from the NTA website and appear for the Examination at the given Centre on date, shift, time and discipline as indicated in his/her Admit Card.
- No candidate will be allowed to appear at the examination centre, on Date and Timings other than that allotted to them in their Admit card.
- In case a candidate is unable to download Admit Card from the website, he/she may approach the Help Line of NTA between 09:30 am to 5:30 pm or write to NTA at:
- The candidates are advised to read the Instructions given in the Admit Card carefully in advance of the exam day and follow them during the conduct of the examination.
- In case of any discrepancy in the particulars of the candidate or his/her photograph and signatures shown in the Admit Card and Confirmation Page, the candidate may immediately approach the Help Line between 09:30 am to 5:30 pm. In such cases, candidates would appear in the Examination with the already downloaded Admit Card. However, NTA will take necessary action to make correction in the record later.
- Candidate may please note that Admit Cards will not be sent by post.
- In no case, the duplicate Admit Card for UGC-NET June 2024 wouldbe issued at the Examination Centre.
- Candidate must not mutilate the Admit Card or change any entry made therein.
- Candidates are advised to preserve their Admit Cards in good condition for future reference.
- No Admit Card shall be issued to the candidates whose Applications are found to be incomplete for any reasons (including indistinct/ doubtful photographs/unsigned Applications) or who do notfulfill the eligibility criteria for the examination.
- Issue of Admit Cards, however, shall not necessarily mean acceptance of eligibility which shallbe further scrutinized at subsequent stages of admission process.
How to download UGC NET June 2024 Admit Card:
Visit the official website,,
Click on the admit card link displayed on the homepage.
Enter your login details. Submit to download the admit card.