CBSE Science Class 7


Heat - Chapter Wise CBSE Solved Question and Answer Based On NCERT

Points To Remember:

  • A reliable measure of an object is its temperature
  • Thermometer is used to measure the temperature of an object, the temperature that measures our body temperature is called a clinical thermometer
  • The normal temperature of human body is 37 °C, although the temperature of every person is not 37 °C, it may be slightly higher or lower
  • The heat flows from a body at higher temperature to a body at lower temperature
  • Heat can flow from one object to another by three ways conduction, convection and radiation
  • In solid generally heat transfers by conduction, in liquid and gases heat transfers by convection and for transfer of heat by radiation no medium is required
  • The materials which allow heat to pass through them easily are conductors of heat
  • The materials which do not allow heat to pass through them easily are insulators
  • Dark coloured objects absorbs radiation more than a light coloured objects
  • Woollen clothes keeps us warm because wool is poor conductor of heat and it has air trapped in between the fibres

Chapter 4 Heat