Heat - Chapter Wise CBSE Solved Question and Answer Based On NCERT
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Q1: Explain different thermometer scales?
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In between the layers of cloths there is trapped air. As air is bad conductor of heat so the outside low temperature does not get transferred to body as well as prevent our body heat to escape outside. Hence more layers of cloths keep us warmer during cold winter.
Q2: Explain laboratory and clinical thermometer along with their function, and uses.
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mass:: A larger mass of a substance absorbs or gives out more heat than a smaller mass of it for a certain change of temperature. So, if 'H' be the quantity of heat absorbed or given out by a substance of mass 'm’ for a given change of temperature, H = m.
difference of temperature:The heat absorbed or released by a certain quantity of a given substance increases or decreases accordingly as the difference between the initial and final temperatures is large and small. Thus, H= (T-t) where, (T-t) is the difference between the initial and the final temperatures of the body.
Specific heat of the material of the substance:This is a fundamental property of matter. An equal mass of different materials absorb or give out different quantities of heat, even if they are heated or cooled through the same range of temperature.This is also called specific heat capacity (abbreviated as SHC) in S.I. system.