Reaching the Age of Adolescence - Chapter Wise CBSE Solved Question and Answer Based On NCERT
Adolescence are more independent than before and are also self-conscious, during adolescence intellectual development take place and teenagers tend to spend considerable time in thinking, infact it the time when brain has the greatest capacity of learning. Sometimes adolescent may feel more attraction towards opposite sex because of release of sex hormones and they may also feel insecure while trying to adjust to the changes in mind and body, but they should understand that these changes are natural part of growing up.
There is sudden increase in height during puberty, at this time the bones of arms and legs elongate and make a person tall.
There is change in body shape during puberty which includes broader shoulder and wider chests in boys and in girls region below the waist becomes wider.
In boys, at puberty, there develop a larger voice box which can be seen as a protruding part of the throat called Adam’s apple. Sometimes the muscles of the growing voice box go out of control and the voice becomes hoarse.
The increased secretion of sweat and sebaceous gland in the skin causes acne and pimples on the face of young people.
At puberty male sex organs like testes and penis develop completely, the testes also begin to produce sperms, in the girls ovaries enlarge and starts releasing mature eggs, these are mainly controlled by hormones like testosterone in male and estrogen in female.
During puberty many features develops in boys and girls that help to distinguish male from female, which is called secondary sexual character. This causes changes in boys like production of sperms, growth of beard and moustaches, growth of hair on chest, under the arms and in pubic region, this causes changes in girls like production of ova, development of breast, development of mammary gland inside the breast, growth of hair under the arms and in pubic region.
During puberty many features develops in boys and girls that help to distinguish male from female, which is called secondary sexual character. This causes changes in boys like production of sperms, growth of beard and moustaches, growth of hair on chest, under the arms and in pubic region, this causes changes in girls like production of ova, development of breast, development of mammary gland inside the breast, growth of hair under the arms and in pubic region.
The changes occuring in body at adolescence is mainly controlled by the action of hormones, Hormones are chemical substance secreted by endocrine gland that reaches to a particular body part via bloodstream. Changes in boys like production of sperms, growth of beard and moustaches, growth of hair on chest, under the arms and in pubic region are all because of release of male hormone testosterone and changes in girls like production of ova, development of breast, development of mammary gland inside the breast, growth of hair under the arms and in pubic region are all because of the female hormone estrogen produced by ovaries.
Hormones from endocrine glands like testes and ovaries stimulates testosterone in male and estrogen in female respectively .These hormones are released in bloodstream and they reaches to their target sites that is the particular body parts where they have to show their effects, the target sites respond to the hormone and it stimulate to the changes in the body at onset of puberty. Thus we can say that the onset of puberty is controlled by hormones.
Chapter 10 | Reaching the Age of Adolescence |