Reproductive system :

  • Cockroaches are dioecious and sex organs are well developed.
  • Male reproductive system consists of a pair of testes lying one on each in 4th and 6th segments.
  • Vas deferens arises from each testis, opens into ejaculatory duct through seminal vesicle.
  • Ejaculatory duct opens into the male gonopore situated ventral to anus.
  • Accessory reproductive gland called mushroom gland present on 6th-7th segment.
  • External genitalia represented by male gonopophysis or phallomere.
  • Sperms are sorted in the seminal vesicles and are glued together in the form of bundles called spermatophores which are discharged during copulation.
  • The female reproductive system consists of two large ovaries present in 2nd – 6th abdominal segments.
  • Each ovary is formed a group of eight ovarian tubules or ovarioles, containing chain of developing ova.
  • Oviduct of each ovary fused to form single median oviduct or vagina, which opens into genital chamber.
  • A pair of spermatheca is present in the 6th segment which opens into genital chamber.
  • Sperms are transferred through spermatophores.
  • The fertilized eggs are encased in capsules called oothecae.
  • Ootheca is dark reddish to blackish brown capsule about 3/8” long.
  • On average, female produce 9-10 oothecae, each containing 14-16 eggs.
  • Development is pourometabolous i.e development through nymphal stages.
  • The nymph grows by molting about 13 times to reach the adult form.


  • Frog belongs to class Amphibia.
  • Most common species in India is Rana tigrina.
  • They are cold blooded animal; the body temperature varies according to environmental temperature.
  • They have ability to change the body colour according to the environment.
  • They undergo hibernation (summer sleep) and aestivation (winter sleep).

Morphology :

  • The skin is smooth and moist, slippery due to mucus.
  • Dorsal body is olive green with dark irregular spots.
  • Ventral side of the body is uniformly pale yellow coloured.
  • The frog never drinks water and absorb it through skin (hygroscopic).
  • Body divisible into head and trunk. Neck is absent.
  • On either side of the eyes a membranous tympanum (represents the external ear), to receive the sound waves.
  • Forelimbs and hind limbs helps in swimming, leaping and burrowing.
  • Fore limb have four digit and hind limb stronger and has five digits.
  • Frog exhibit sexual dimorphism.
  • Male frog distinguished from female frog:
    • Having sound producing vocal sac.
    • Copulatory pad or amplexury pad on the first digit of the fore limb.

Anatomy :

Digestive system :

  • Digestive system consists of alimentary canal and digestive glands.
  • Alimentary canal is short because frogs are carnivorous.
  • Mouth opens into buccal cavity that leads into oesophagus through pharynx.
  • Oesophagus is a short tube that opens into the stomach, which inturn continues as the intestine, rectum and finally opens outside by the cloaca.
  • Liver secrete bile that stored in the gall bladder.
  • Pancreas a digestive gland produces pancreatic juice containing digestive enzymes.
  • Food is captured by bilobed tongue.
  • Digestion of food takes place by the action of HCl and gastric juice secreted from the walls of the stomach.
  • Partially digested food in the stomach is called chyme.
  • Chyme passed from stomach to intestine, the duodenum.
  • The duodenum receives the bile from gall bladder and pancreatic juice from pancreas through a common bile duct.
  • Bile emulsifies fat and pancreatic juices digest carbohydrates and proteins.
  • Final digestion takes place in intestine.
  • Digested food is absorbed by intestinal villi and microvilli.
  • The undigested food removed to outside through cloaca.


CBSE Biology (Chapter Wise) Class XI ( By Mr. Hare Krushna Giri ) 
Email Id : [email protected]