The JNCASR was established in 1989 by the Department of Science and Technology, Govt. of India. Its main objective is to promote scientific research at the highest level in frontier and interdisciplinary areas of science and Engineering. Summer Research Fellowships Programme is offered by JNCASR in association with Department of Science and Technology and Rajiv Gandhi Foundation, New Delhi. Around 120 Fellowships are awarded each year. Advertisements calling for applications to this programme appear during the month of September last week every year in national newspapers.
Research Areas
Life Sciences : infections diseases, bioinformatics, developmental biology, biochemistry, molecular biology, genetics, life-history evolution, immunology, circadian biology, animal behavior, behavioral ecology, population ecology, evolutionary genetics, experimental evolution.
Chemical Sciences : solid state shemistry, inorganic and physical chemistry, organic chemistry, theoretical quantum chemistry, computer simulations of materials.
Physical Sciences : elementary particle and nulcear physics, relativity and cosmology, condensed matter and statistical physics, semiconductor physics, materials physics, astronomy and astrophysics, laser cooling of atoms, biophysics.
Engineering Sciences : turbulence, stability of fluid flows, two phase flow, experimental fluid mechanics, thermal science, biochemical engineering, polymer engineering, chemical reactor analysis, transport phenomena, interfacial phenomena, process metallurgy, physical metallurgy, ceramics, composite materials, computational biology, signal processing
Atmospheric Sciences : atmospheric boundary layer, near-surface environment, radiation, solar-terrestrial relations, monsoon dynamics, modeling
Science: Students studying in I, II or III year B.Sc., B.V.Sc., M.B.B.S., B.Pharma., and I and II year of M.Sc. course.
Engineering: Students studying in II and III year of B.E. and B.Tech can apply.
Selected students will be given an opportunity to pursue a research project with faculty chosen by the Centre for two months during the April-July period in the Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bangalore, Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research (JNCASR), Bangalore or other institutions in the country.
The selected students are given a stipend of Rs. 4,000 per month. Travel assistance between the place of study to the place of research work. About 10 best students selected among the group are named as Rajiv Gandhi Science Talent Research Fellows and are paid an additional amount of Rs. 1000 towards book grant.
The Program Coordinator, SRFP,
Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research,
Jakkur P.O., Bangalore 560 064