National Thermal Power Corporation Ltd ( NTPC)

Scholarships to students belonging to SC/ST/ Physically Challenged

The country's premier power producer, National Thermal Power Corporation Ltd ( NTPC) is offering 25 Scholarships to students belonging to Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe/ Physically Challenged categories pursuing full time degree course in Engineering.

The scholarship is admissible from the second year till the final year subject to the condition that the student meets the minimum qualifying criterion for success in each year. The scholarship amount is Rs.1,000. Of the 25 scholarships, 14 is for SC, six ST and five PC.


Students belonging to SC / ST / Physically Challenged categories (Visually Handicapped / Hearing Handicapped / Orthopaedically Handicapped ) and pursuing full time degree course in Engineering in the disciplines of Electrical, Instrumentation, Mechanical, Computer Science, Electronics / Telecommunication from a college / university institute recognized by the Govt.Of India and should be in the Third Year are eligible to apply for the coming exam. Those who have successfully completed both courses 1st year degree course and 2nd year degree course only need to apply for the coming exam. They should not be receiving any financial aid or assistance from any source.

Scholarship Amount

The scholarship is tenable from the second year till the final year subject to the condition that the student meets the minimum qualifying criterion for success in each year. The rate of scholarship is Rs.1000/- P.M. . Total 25 scholarships will be granted ( 14 SC, 06 ST and 05 PH )

Application Procedure

Students fulfilling the eligibility conditions may submit their applications, along with supporting documents through the Head of the Institution, While forwarding the application, the institute shall certify to the effect that information furnished by the candidates is correct and the institute is recognized by the Government of India.

Application format will be given in Employment news every year probably in the month of August .The Duly Completed Applications Should Be Sent to, Sr.Manager ( HR- A&W ) NTPC Ltd., NTPC Bhawan, SCOPE Complex , Core 7,7 Institutional Area, Lodi Road, New Delhi - 110 003.

Contact Details

Sr.Manager ( HR- A&W ) NTPC Ltd.,
NTPC Bhawan, SCOPE Complex ,
Core 7,7 Institutional Area,
Lodi Road, New Delhi - 110 003
website or