Heredity and Evolution
1. Evolution :
- What is the name given to the sequence of gradual changes occurring over a period of million of years?
- What do you mean by ‘Organic Evolution’?
- Who wrote the book ‘Philosohique Zoologique’? Explain his theory of organic evolution.
- What do you mean by: Vestigial organs, Analogous organs, Homologous organs? Give one example each. How do they provide proof of evolution?
- Name any two organs that are homologous to human hand. To which category of organs would you place the wings of bird and wings of insects
- State the Biogenetic law? What does it explain?
- A chimpanzee can hold objects by its hands and an elephant by its trunk. Are the two organs analogous or homologous? Explain.
- Explain any three evidences that support evolution.
- Justify the statement “Ontogeny regulates phylogeny.
- Which is the most accepted theory of evolution and what does it suggest about origin of species?
- What clue does the fossil archaeopteryx provide about evolution?
- Name the scientist who gave the theory of Natural selection.
- Mention briefly the salient features of a) Lamarck’s theory b) Darwin’s Theory
2. Heredity :
a. Chromosome :
- How many pairs of chromosomes are there in Human beings
- Which organ in human beings produces Haploid cells through division of diploid cells?
- What are Haploid and Diploid cells?
- What do you mean by Karyotyping? How is it done? How is the study of kayotypes useful? Give an example.
- A karyotype of a female organism shows 20 pairs of Chromosomes. How many chromosomes will you find in the egg and Why?
- What is the cause of Down’s syndrome?
- How are inherited disorders explained?
- What is the name given to the set of unpaired chromosomes of an organism?
- What are the components of Chromosome?
- Name the type of chromosome in which the centromere is near the middle and the two arms are almost equal in length.
- What are the similarities in the genes and chromosomes?
- What similarities were found between the genes and Mendel’s factors?
- What is a Retrovirus? Give examples.
- What is a gene? What is its function in human beings?
- Explain with diagram the structure of different types of chromosomes.
- Write the features of Eukaryotic and Prokaryotic chromosomes.
b. Sex determination and Genetic Engineering:
- What is Genetic Engineering? What do you mean by GMO/transgenic organism?
- Explain the mechanism of sex determination in human beings.
- Name the type of chromosome present in: human male and human female. What will be the sex of the child if a sperm carrying ‘Y’ chromosome fertilizes the egg?
- Give example of some animals where sex determination is regulated by the environmental factors.
c. DNA:
- What type of structure does DNA have? Who proposed this structure? Name the scientists who provided proof for the DNA as a genetic material.
- What are the three chemically essential parts of the nucleotides constituting a DNA? How many nitrogenous bases are present in a nucleotide?
- What are the various components of DNA?
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