Transportation and Excretion
1. Define the term Transportation?
a. Plants
- What is transpiration? Give the term for the transfer of food from leaves to the other parts of the plant.
- What is translocation? Why is it necessary for the Plant?
- Explain briefly the components of the Xylem and Phloem tissues.
- In which parts of the plant are sugars and hormones synthesized?
b. Animals
i. Heart:
- Name the Blood vessel that brings the oxygenated blood to the Human heart. Which chamber of heart receives the oxygenated blood? Draw a well labeled diagram of human circulatory system.
- Draw a diagram of Human Heart and label the following parts:
a. Aorta b. Pulmonary trunk c. Superior Venacava d. Coronary Artery
- Give the differences between Arteries, Veins and Capillaries.
- Draw the diagram showing how blood in the capillaries surrounding the tissues exchanges respiratory gases with the cells of the tissue. Label a) RBC’s and b) Tissue cells.
- Why the blood circulation in Human beings is called ‘Double Circulation’? Explain briefly how is ‘Pace Maker’ helpful to a heart patient?
- What is the below graph representing. What is ECG? Give its full form. Does it show any feature about working of Heart?
ii. Blood:
- Name the constituents of Blood. Why the White Blood Cells are called ‘Soldiers of the Body’?
- List any four blood groups. Which blood group is called the ‘Universal Donor’ and which one is called the ‘Universal Acceptor’?
- What do you mean by transfusion of blood? Why is it necessary to match the blood groups of the donor and the recipient persons before arranging transfusion? A person is a Universal donor. Which blood group shall be acceptable to him for transfusion?
- State the major functions of Blood Platelets. What is their Shape?
- What are the various cell types of blood and explain their functions?
- Make a schematic representation of Major events taking place during Coagulation of blood.
- What is Agglutination? What is Rh factor? What happens to a baby of Rh+ve factor when the mother is Rh-ve?
- Give the meaning of the words antigen and antibody. Complete the below given table:
Blood Group |
Antigen Present |
Antibody Present |
Donor to |
Recipient From |
2. Define Excretion.
a. Insects:
- State the role of excretion in living beings. Describe how excretion takes place in Amoeba.
- Name the excretory organs in: Amoeba, Flat worm, Earth worm, Plan aria.
- What is the excretory waste in the Earthworm and Amoeba?
- Explain the excretion in Earthworm.
b. Human Beings:
- Name the structural and functional unit of the excretory system.
- With the help of a labeled diagram, describe the urinary system of human beings.
- List two vital functions of Human Kidney? Draw a well labeled diagram of the artificial kidney.
- Explain the process that takes place in Bowman’s capsule.
- What material is used to line the tubes of a dialysis machine?
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