CBSE Papers

CBSE Guess > Papers > Question Papers > Class X > 2008 >Science > Science Theory

Q.25. In the given diagram of human brain label A and B and write their function.

Ans. A → Cerebellum Function

  • Cerebellum helps in maintaining posture and balance of the body.
  • It enables us to make precise and accurate movement.
  • It coordinates smooth body movements such as walking, dancing, riding a bicycle. B → Medulla Function
  • Medulla controls various involuntary actions such as heart beat, breathing, blood-pressure, peristaltic movements of alimentary canal.
  • It is also the controlling centre for reflexes such as swallowing, coughing, sneezing etc.


Q.26. Which animal or plant hormone is associated with the following : 3
(i) increased sugar level in blood
(ii) changes at puberty in boys
(iii) inhibits growth of plants
(iv) rapid development of fruits Image 2F A’
(v) dwarfism
(vi) goitre

Ans. (i) Increased sugar level in blood → Insulin
(ii) Changes at puberty in boys → Testosterone
(iii) Inhibits growth of plants → Abscisic acid
(iv) Rapid development of fruits → Cytokinins
(v) Dwarfism → Growth hormone secreted by pituitary gland
( vi) Goitre → Thyroxine.

Science 2008 Question Papers Class X
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