CBSE Papers

CBSE Guess > Papers > Question Papers > Class XII > 2003 > History > Delhi Set-I

HISTORY— 2003 (Set I—Delhi)


Q. 1. Who established “East India Association”? What was its main objective?

Q. 2. Who was Aurobindo Ghosh? What were his contibution?

Q. 3. What was Chittagong Armoury Raid? Name the notable revolutionaries. Who took part in it?

Q. 4. Elucidate the reforms undertaken by Tipu Sultan for the General Welfare of the people and the development of the State of Mysore.
Explain briefly the Dual System of Administration of Bengal:

Q. 5. Describe briefly the expansion of Maratha Empire under Peshwa Balaji Vishwanath.
Describe the provisions of Wellesly’s Subsidiary Alliance with Indian States.

Q. 6. Briefly describe the reasons for following the policy of hostility towards educated Indians by the British Government after 1858.
Explain the attitude of the British towards social reforms in India after 1858.

Q. 7. Explain the steps taken by Sayyed Ahmad Khan to reform the Muslim Society.
Explain the contribution of the Theosophist Movement to the strengthening of Indian Nationalism.

Q. 8. Much of the strength of the Revolt Of 1887 lay in Hindu-Muslim Unity.” Justify your statement.
“In a nutshell it is difficult to accept to the conclusion that the foresaid First National War was not the first, nor national and neither the war of Independence”. Explain.

Q. 9. Describe the efforts made by Swami Vivekanand to reform the Hindu religion and Society.
Describe the efforts made by Swami Vivekanand to reform the Hindu religion and Society.

Q. 10. Read the following passage carefully and answer the question which follows:
“I therefore, want freedom immediately, this very night, before dawn, if it can be had. Fraud and untruth today are stalking the world. You may take it from me that. I am not going to strike a bargain which the Viceroy for Ministries and the like. I am not going to the satisfied with anything short of complete freedom. There is a Mantra, a short one, that I gave you. You may imprint it on your hearts and. let every breath of yours give expression to it. The Mantra is “Do or Die”. We shall either free India or die in the attempt, We shall not live to see the perpetuation of our Slavery.”
(Gandhiji spoke which addressing Congress deligates on the night of 8th August, 1942)
(i) Name the Movement in whose connection this speech was delivered.
(ii) Under what circumstances was this movement organized.
(iii) Which Mantra had he referred to here? To what extent was it successful.
Why was the non-co-operation movement launched? Why did it fail?

Q. 11. Explain the reasons for the change of the British attitude towards the National Movement after the Second World War.
Which parts of India were still under the foreign rule after 15th August, 1947? How were these areas liberated to become parts of Independent India? Explain briefly.

Q. 12. On the given outline map of India locate and mark flue important places related to the Indian Freedom Movement.
On the outline map of India locate the following:
(a) The extent of the Maratha Empire in 1760.
(b) Any four important Places of Maratha Empire.


Q. 13. Mention two measures adopted under war communism after the end of the Civil war in 1920 in Russia.

Q. 14. Why was the Negritude Movement started in South Africa? Explain briefly by giving any two reasons.

Q. 15. Which facilities were improved by the coming of Automobiles?

Q. 16. Mention the Provisions of Eisenhower Doctrine.
Which countries participated in the Conference Yalta in 1945? Explain briefly the important decisions taken in this conference.

Q. 17. Explain briefly the reasons for the fall of Khruschev?
What are the main sources of renewable which can be used now-a-days? How are they useful?

Q. 18. What do you understand by Information Technology? Give two examples.
Name the artist who emerged on the national scene during the 20th century after the three Tagores and what was the significance of their art.

Q. 19. “The manifold changes in. the very field human activities and in the field of social, economical and political life is the characteristic nature of Contemporary history”. Support the statement with examples.

Q. 20. What was the policy of Appeasement? How far was this policy responsible for the World War II. Explain.
Describe briefly the condition of Latin America in the first half of the 20th century.

Q. 21. State the reasons for the Korean War after the end of World War II. What have been its consequence?
What an, the contributions of Shri Narayana Guru in the Social Reform Movements In the 20th century? Explain his works.

Q. 22. Examine the factor responsible for the emergence of USA as the pre-eminent military and economic power in the post Second World War period.
Examine the factors responsible for the end of Europes world hegemony during the post Second World War period.

Q. 23. On the given outline map of Europe mark and name the countries, belonging to Triple Alliance and Triple Entente.
On the given outline map of Africa mark and name five Africa Nations which gained freedom in 1960.

Accountancy 2003 Question Papers Class XII