CBSE Guess > Papers > Question Papers > Class XII > 2003 > Physics > Delhi Set -I PHYSICS—2003 (Set I—Delhi) Q. 1. Define electrical conductivity of a conductor and give its S.I. unit. Q. 2. What happens to the power dissipation if the value of electric current passing through a conductor of constant resistance is doubled? Q. 3. How does the (i) pole strength and (ii) magnetic moment of each part of a bar magnet change if it is cut into two equal pieces transverse to its length? Q. 4. Write S.I. unit of magnetic flux. Is it a scalar or a vector quantity? Q. 5. Name the factor which decides the quality of reproduced document sent by Fax. Q. 6. Mention any two properties of electric lines of force. Sketch them for an isolated positive point charge. Q. 7. In a copper voltameter, a varying electric current, as shown in graph, is passed. The mass of copper deposited at the end of 30 seconds is m grams. Using the graph, find the value of e.c.e. of copper in gC -1 . O. 8. An a.c. voltage E = E0 sin cot is applied across an inductor L. Obtain an expression for current I. Q. 9. An object is placed in front of a right angled prism ABC in two positions (a) and (b) as shown. The prism is made of crown glass with critical angle of 410. Trace the path of two rays from P and Q, (i) in (a), normal to the hypotenuse and (ii) in (b), parallel to the hypotenuse. Q. 10. Name the reaction which takes place when a slow neutron beam strikes Or The work function of lithium is 2.3 eV. What docs it mean? What is the relation between the work function 'W' and threshold wavelength Q. 11. In the series of radioactive disintegration of Q. 12. In the figure below, circuit symbol of a logic gate and input wave from is shown. Q. 13. What is an equipotential surface? Q. 14. Draw a labelled diagram of Van de Graff generator. State its principle of working. Q. 15. What is meant by 'drift velocity of free electrons'? Derive Ohm's law on the basis of the theory of electron drift. Or What is Wheatstone bridge? Deduce the condition for which Wheatstone bridge is balanced. Q. 16. What is meant by the sensitivity of a potentiometer? Q. 17. Two straight, parallel, current carrying conductors are kept at a distance Q. 18. Distinguish between diamagnetic and ferromagnetic materials in respect of their (i) intensity of magnetisation, (ii) behaviour in a non-uniform magnetic field and (iii) susceptibility. Q. 19. State Huygens' principle. For reflection of a plane wave front at a plane reflecting surface, construct the corresponding reflected wave front. Using this diagram, prove that angle of incidence is equal to angle of reflection. Q. 20. What is meant by interference of light? Q. 21. Why are de-Broglie waves associated with a moving football not visible? The wavelength, Q. 22. Define Antenna. Write a short note or Antenna. Name two types of antenna. Q. 23. What is meant by the term 'modulation'? Explain with the help of a block diagram, how the process of modulation is carried out in radio broadcasts. Q. 24. Write three special characteristics of the light source used in optical communication. Name any one optical detector. Explain the meaning of the term 'sensitivity' and 'responsivity' of a detector. Q. 25. Derive the relation between distance of object, distance of image and radius of curvature of a convex spherical surface, when refraction takes place from a rarer medium of refractive index
Or Draw a ray diagram to show the formation of image of an object placed between the optical centre and focus of the convex lens. Write the characteristics of image formed. Using this diagram, derive the relation between object distance, image distance and focal length of the convex lens. Write the assumptions and convention of signs used. Q. 26. What is a choke coil? Why is it preferred to resistance in a.c. circuits? Q. 27. Draw a circuit diagram of a common emitter amplifier using n-p-n transistor. Show input and output voltages graphically. Physics 2003 Question Papers Class XII
CBSE 2003 Question Papers Class XII