CBSE Papers

CBSE Guess > Papers > Question Papers > Class XII > 2003 > Political Science > Compartment Delhi Set -I

Political Science—2003 (Set I—Compartment Delhi)

Note: Except for the following questions, all the remaining questions have been asked in Set I D. B., 2003.

Q. 1. List any two essential activities of a state?

Q. 3. What do you understand by duty?

Q. 4. What is simple majority system.

Q. 5. Mention any two qualifications of a voter in India.

Q. 7. Give two main advantages e eco development in our country?

Q. 8. List any two kinds of equality?

Q. 9. ‘Liberty is never absolute’ Clarify?

Q. 10. What do you understand by ‘Revolutionary Socialism’?

Q. 11. Describe the relationship between rights and duties.

Q. 15. Describe any four steps of election procedure prior to start of election campaign.

Q. 17. What do you know about Mandal Commission? Mention any two of its recommendations?

Q. 18. Suggest any four characteristics to be applied to test the goodness of a law?

Q. 21. Analyse the policies and programmes of CPI (M).


How do you analyse the nature of party system in India at present?

Q. 22. ‘For the success of democracy in India, Unemployment must be totally’ checked. Comment.


What do you understand by Regional Imbalance? Discuss its Impact on politics in India

Q. 23. Examine the foreign policy of India?


Analyse the areas of co-operation and conflict between India and Sri Lanka.

Q. 24. “Welfare State is the ideal of modern Liberalism.” Comment on this statement.


‘Socialism emerged as a reaction to the rise and development of Capitalism’. Discuss.

Q. 25. Define Pressure Groups. What role do they play in a political system?


What are Regional Parties? What role do they play in our political system.

Political Science 2003 Question Papers Class XII
Delhi Outside Delhi Compartment Delhi Compartment Outside Delhi
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