CBSE Guess > Papers > Question Papers > Class XII > 2004 > Poltical Science > Outside Delhi Set-II
POLTICAL SCIENCE (Set II— Outside Delhi)
Except for the following questions, all the remaining questions have been asked in Set I .
Q. 1. Distinguish between 'Rights' and 'Claims'. 2
Q. 6. Write a short note on State funding of elections in India. 2
Q. 10. What do SAARC and SAFTA stand for? 2
Q. 12. Explain the meaning of Universal Declaration of Human Rights. 4
Q. 17. What is the significance of District Planning Committees in India ? 4
Q. 18. Mention the main objectives of National Policy of Empowerment of Women2001. 4
Q. 25. Explain the constitutional provisions to ensure equality to Scheduled Casts an Scheduled Tribes in India . 8
What do you understand by separatism? Describe the causes of emergence of separatism in India. 4+4
CBSE 2004 Question Papers Class XII