CBSE Guess > Papers > Question Papers > Class XII > 2004 > Poltical Science > Compartment Delhi Set-II
POLTICAL SCIENCE (Set II— Compartment Delhi)
Except for the following questions, all the remaining questions have been asked in Set I.
Q. 1. What is Universal Adult Franchise? Q. 2. What is meant by Cumulative Vote System?
Q. 8. Define Humans Rights.
Q. 9. List any two traditional approaches to the study of Comparative Politics.
Q. 10. What is Humanism?
Q. 11. List any four agencies of Political Socialisation.
Q. 12. List any four positive Indicators of Political Development.
Q. 18. What is the relationship between dharma and politics?
Q. I9. What is Right to Personal Liberty? Describe in brief.
Q. 20. Give any four limitations of a State.
CBSE 2004 Question Papers Class XII