CBSE Papers

CBSE Guess > Papers > Question Papers > Class XII > 2005 > Business Studies > Compartment Delhi Set-I

BUSINESS STUDIES 2005 (Set I—Compartment Delhi)

Q. 1. Which technique of Taylor suggests that each work should be supervised by specialists? Name two specialists also. 2

Q. 2. Explain in brief what is included in the ‘Legal Environment’ of Business. 2

Q. 3. Explain in brief the term ‘Noise’ in communication. 2

Q. 4. Define ‘Marketing Management’. 2

Q. 5. Explain in brief the concept of ‘Product’ in the context of marketing-mix. 2

Q. 6. Mr. Nitin Singhania’s father has a good business of Iron and Steel He wants to go to U S A. for his M BA, but his father wants that he should joint the business. On the basis of emerging trends, do you think that Mr. Singhania should send his son to U SA.? Give any three reasons in support of your answer. 8

Q. 7. Define ‘Leadership’ as an element of ‘Directing’. 8

Q. 8. Name the type of written communication in which two de partmental heads communicate with each other. Why is this type of communication required? 3

Q. 9. Explain in brief any three qualities of a good brand name. 3

Q. 10. ‘50 grams extra’ with this pack of toothpaste is an ex of one of the techniques of Promotion-Mix. Name the technique and explain two other techniques of Promotion-Mix. 3

Q. 11. Explain any four characteristics of management. 4

Q. 12. Aman Ltd. is manufacturing toys and has Production, Sales, Purchase and Finance Departments Which type of organisation structure would you suggest to them’ State any three advantages of this organisation structure. 4

Q. 13. Explain in brief any four advantages of piece-rate system of wage-payment. 4

Q. 14. Distinguish between ‘Primary market’ and ‘Secondary market’ on any four bases. 4

Q. 15. Explain in brief any four ‘Protective functions’ of SEBI. 4

Q. 16. Explain In brief any five principles of ‘Scientific Management’. 5

Q. 17. Explain the impact of changes in Government -Policy on Business and Indu- stry by giving any five points. 5
Q. 18. Explain the process of control as a function of management. 5

Q. 19. Explain any five factors determining the working capital requirements of a company. 5

Q. 20. The average rate of earnings of an industry is 10% per annum. A company had invested Rs. 12,00,000 in this Industry and its earnings were Rs. 1,00,000. Which type of capitalisation exists in this company? State any four causes of this type of capitalisation. 5

Q. 21. Explain by giving any six reasons why planning is important. 6
Explain any six limitations of planning.

Q. 22. Explain the term ‘Training’. Why is training needed in an Organisation? Give any four reasons. 6
Explain the term ‘development’. Differentiate between ‘Training’ and ‘Develo- pment’ on the basis of
a) Focus
b) Result
c) Type of personnel
d) Time-period

Q. 23. What is meant by ‘Formal Organisation’? Explain any four’ features of formal organisation. 6
What is meant by ‘Informal Organisation’. Explain any four features of infor- mal organisation.

Q. 24. Explain in detail any four objectives of ‘Marketing Management’.
Explain ‘Marketing Research’, ‘Product planning’, ‘Buying and Assembling’, and ‘Packaging’ as functions of marketing. 6

Q. 25. Explain any six responsibilities of a consumer. 6
Explain any six ways and means of consumer pro1 in India.

Business Studies 2005 Question Papers Class XII
Delhi Outside Delhi Compartment
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