CBSE Papers

CBSE Guess > Papers > Question Papers > Class XII > 2005 > Business Studies > Delhi set-I


Except for the following questions, all the remaining ques tions have been asked in Set I.

Q. 1. State any two functions of top-level management. 2

Q. 2. What is meant by ‘economic environment’ of business? 2

Q. 3. Enumerate any two features of directing. 2

Q. 4. What is meant by production concept of marketing? 2

Q. 5. How does marketing help a firm to build goodwill in the market? 2

Q. 6. An organization follows the principles of management. What are the positive effects of each of the following principles of management on the organisation? 3
(i) Scaler chain, (ii) Equity, and (in) Division of work

Q. 7. How does motivation improve the efficiency of workers in an organisation? Give any three points. 3

Q. 8. “All managers are leaders, but all leaders are not managers.” Do you agree with this statement? Give any three reasons in support of your answer, 3

Q. 9. Enumerate any three market related factors that should be kept in view while taking decision on the choice of channels of distribution of any product. 3

Q. 10. State any three objectives of sales promotion. 3

Q. 11. Describe, in brief, Taylor’s principles of
a) Science, not the rule of thumb, and
b) Harmony, not discord. 4

Q. 12. Define the term ‘Organising’ and enumerate the steps involved in the process of organising. 4

Q. 13. You are the representative of workers in a factory and want to impress upon the management the need for introducing time-rate system in place of existing piece-rate system of wage payment. What four reasons would you like to give to the management to justify your viewpoint? Explain, in brief. 4

Q. 14. “Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) is the watch dog of the secu- rities market.” Do you agree I Give four reasons in support of your answer. 4

Q. 15. Distinguish between Capital market and Money market on the basis of
a) Participants,
b) Instruments traded,
c) Investment outlay, and
d) Safety

Q. 16. “Management is regarded as fully-developed profession.” Do you agree? Give reasons. 5

Q. 17. Explain any five negative impacts of liberalisation and globalisation on busin- ess and industry in India. 5

Q. 18. “Controlling helps in achieving objectives of the organisation and improving employee’s morale “Explain this statement, in brief 5

Q. 19. Explain any five factors which affect the capital structure of a business Enter- prise. 5

Q. 20. You are a newly appointed finance advisor in a company and found that the company is over-capitalised. The management does not agree with your findings. Convince the management by giving five reasons in support of your viewpoint. 5

Q. 21. Explain, in brief, any six features of planning. 6
Defining ‘organisation objectives’ is the first step in the process of planning. Explain, in brief, the other steps of this process.

Q. 22. Distinguish between formal and informal organisations on the basis of
a) formation,
b) purpose,
c) structure,
d) behaviour of members,
e) stability, and
f) adherence to rules. 6
“Authority can be delegated but accountability cannot.” Explain the statement.

Q. 23. Why is the employees’ training necessary in an organisation?
Explain in brief any six reasons. 6
Explain, in brief, any six steps involved in the selection procedure of employe- es.

Q. 24. Explain the various factors which should be considered be fore taking decision on the choice of a particular medium of advertising for a product. 6
You are the marketing manager of a company manufacturing toy car. Which media would you choose for advertising your product? Explain in brief, any five reasons in support of your answer.

Q. 25. Explain, n brief, any six remedies available to consumers under the Consu- mer Protection Act, 1986. 6
Explain, in brief, any four rights of consumers as provided under the Consum- er Protection Act. 1986.

Business Studies 2005 Question Papers Class XII
Delhi Outside Delhi Compartment
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