CBSE Guess > Papers > Question Papers > Class XII > 2006 > English > OutSide Delhi Set -III English— 2006 (Set III—OutSide Delhi) General Instructions: See in the Set - I, O.D., 2006. Note: Except for the following questions, all the remaining questions have been asked in Set-I and Set—Il, O.D., 2006. SECTION - B (ADVANCED WRITING SKILLS) Q. 5. Keeping in view the frequent occurrence of earthquakes in the country, your school arranged a talk on disaster management. Identifying the areas of your state most prone to earthquakes, the speaker explained the precautionary measures to be taken by the public and the government in case of emergency. As a student reporter, Ravi / Rani, send a report of the event, in 100 - 125 words, to a national daily. (10) Or Your school celebrated a ‘green week’ in which a number of programmes including the plantation of trees, guest lectures on environment, ‘nukkad nataks’ (street plays) etc. were organized. Write a report in 100 125 words for a national daily, for creating awareness. You are Roshan/Rachna, Secretary, Youth Club of your school. SECTION - C (LITERATURE) Q. 7. (b) Answer the following questions in 30-40 words each: (3 x 2 = 6)
Q. 8. Answer the following questions in 30 -40 words each: (5 x 2 = 10)
Q. 9. Answer the following in 125 - 150 words: (10) Describe the train journey of the convicts to Calcutta. Or Describe the character of Maggie.