CBSE Important Questions

CBSE Guess > Papers > Important Questions > Class XII > 2007 > Chemistry > Coordination Compound

Coordination Compound

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  1. Write the IUPAC name of [Pt(NH3) 3Br(NO2)Cl]Cl
  2. List the different types of isomerism shown by coordination compound?
  3. Explain the structure of [FeF6]-3
  4. Give one suitable example of Linkage Isomerism
  5. Predict the shape of [Cr(NH3) 6]-3
  6. Predict the shape of [Ni(CO4)]
  7. How many isomers are there for the octahedral complex [CoCl2(en)(NH3) 4]+
  8. Give the chemical formulae for nitropentaaminecobalt(III)nitrate.
  9. What are organometallic compounds? Give one example.
  10. Give an example of an organometallic compound that is used as homogeneous catalyst.
  11. Account for the following
    a. [Fe(CN) 6]-3 is weakly paramagnetic while [Fe(CN) 6]-4 is diamagnetic
    b. [Ni(CO4)] possess tetrahedral geometry while [Ni(CN)4]-2 is square planar
  12. Discuss the role of complex compounds in the area of
    a. Electroplating
    b. Softening of water
  13. How are the organometallic compounds classified
  14. Describe the nature of bonding
    a. In metal carbonyls
    b. In  complexes
  15. Mention one method of preparation of the following organometallic compounds:
    a. Zeises Salts
    b. [C2H4PtCl3]-
  16. Discuss the structure of each of the following
    a. cis- [Pt(NH3) 2Cl2]
    b. Ferrocene
  17. Draw the structure and write the hybridization state of central atom of the following species
    a. Fe(CO<sub>5)
    b. Trans [Co(NH3) 4Cl2]+
  18. Write short note on
    a. Complex ion
    b. Co-ordination number
    c. Ligand
  19. What is meant by unidentate & bidentate ligands? Illustrate with examples.
  20. In the Formulae Fe(n5-C5H5) what does the prefix n5 denotes.
  21. Define the terms (any three)
    a. Co-ordination sphere
    b. Denticity of Ligands
    c. Chelating Ligands
    d. An ambidient ligand
  22. Mention the geometrical shapes of the complexes involving the following hybrid orbital
    a. Sp3 b. dsp2 c. d2sp3
  23. Explain the isomerism shown by co-ordination compounds briefly
  24. Explain Crystal Field Theory & the properties of complexes by crystal field theory. Why the co-ordination complexes are colored.
  25. What is the application of coordination compounds? Explain at least five of them
  26. Explain how the nature of the ligands effect the stability of a complex ion
  27. What are  complexes? Describe two methods for the preparation of the same
  28. Write the formulae and structure with nomenclature of complex formed during photography.
  1. Solid State
  2. Solutions
  3. Electrochemistry
  4. Chemical Kinetics
  5. P Blocks Element
  6. D and F Block Elements
  7. Coordination Compound
  8. Nuclear Chemistry
  9. Stereochemistry
  10. Functional Group I
  11. Polymers
  12. Biomolecules
  13. Chemistry In Everyday Life
  14. Practice Paper 1
  15. Practice Paper 2
  16. Practice Paper 3


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