CBSE Important Questions

CBSE Guess > Papers > Important Questions > Class XII > 2007 > Chemistry > P Blocks Element

P Blocks Element

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  1. Which is the most abundant element in earth’s crust?
  2. Which is the most important tetrahydrido compound?
  3. What is the general formulae of group 13 element oxide & hydroxides. Give one example.
  4. Silicon present in the nature in the form of __________
  5. What is soft glass?
  6. What is the formulae of hydroxyapatite & fluropatite?
  7. What are the ores of lead and tin. Give its formulae.
  8. Which type of cation are capable of replacing aluminum in alums? Give some example.
  9. What are weak Lewis acid and strong Lewis acid.
  10. What is the structure of Al2Cl6 ? Give all parameters.
  11. The atomic radius decreases from aluminum to gallium and increase again for In and Tl why?
  12. The decreasing stability of the higher oxidation state with increasing atomic number. Give reason?
  13. By which method silicon is obtain? Explain with suitable equation.
  14. SiF6-2 is known but SiCl62- is not. Why is it so?
  15. What do you mean by Zeolites? Give
  16. How can we prepare ordinary glass?
  17. Which is the most common allotrope of phosphorus? Explain the formation of it.
  18. Explain the stability trends of hydrides of group 15 element which members are highly poisonous.
  19. Are all the five bonds in PCl5 molecule equivalent? Justify your answer.
  20. How can we prepare the P(III) As(III) & Sb(III) oxides?
  21. What are condensed phosphates? What is the structure, shape & formulae of phosphoric & hypo phosphorous acid
  22. Explain the manufacture of phosphatic fertilizers. Which it the most important phosphatic fertilizers? How it is produced.
  23. Complete the following reactions:
    i. Ca3P2 + 6H2-->
    ii. P4O10 + 2H2-->
  24. What are red and black phosphorus? Give the structure of red phosphorus
  25. What are silicones? How are they manufactured.
  26. Define catenation & illustrate it with reference to sulphur chemistry.
  27. Calculate the volume of 0.1 M NaOH solution required to neutralize the solution produced by dissolving 1.1 gm of P4O6 in water.
  28. Describe Hall-Herlout process What are aluminum and aluminum
  29. Describe the properties & uses of alumina.
  30. What are the three crystalline modification of SiO2 . Explain briefly
  31. Describe extraction of tin and its properties with chemical reactions involved.
  32. How can we prepare soda lime glass. Explain its properties, composition with suitable example.
  33. Describe the extraction of lead & its properties with chemical equation.,
  34. Give reason:
    a. Sb and Bi of group 15 form +3 ions.
    b. There is decrease in covalent character in sequence P>As>Sb>Bi
    c. Al, Ga, In & Tl exhibit a well-defined aqueous chemistry.
    d. Tl(OH) 3 insoluble in water but Tl(OH) is soluble.
    e. PCl3 fumes in moist air.
  1. Solid State
  2. Solutions
  3. Electrochemistry
  4. Chemical Kinetics
  5. P Blocks Element
  6. D and F Block Elements
  7. Coordination Compound
  8. Nuclear Chemistry
  9. Stereochemistry
  10. Functional Group I
  11. Polymers
  12. Biomolecules
  13. Chemistry In Everyday Life
  14. Practice Paper 1
  15. Practice Paper 2
  16. Practice Paper 3


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