CBSE Important Questions

CBSE Guess > Papers > Important Questions > Class XII > 2007 > Chemistry > Electrochemistry


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  1. Define term Electrochemistry
  2. What is electrolytic cell & electrolysis?
  3. What is electrolytic conduction with example?
  4. Define the reaction at cathode and at anode in the electrolysis of molten sodium chloride
  5. What is the effect of concentration and temperature on transport number?
  6. How much amount of a substance is deposited by 1 coulomb? What is it called?
  7. What is corrosion? Define the theory of corrosion.
  8. What are electrochemical series and its application?
  9. The conductivity of a saturated solution of AgCl at 288 is found to be 1.382X10-6 mho/cm Find its solubility. Give ionic conductance of Ag+ and Cl- at infinite dilution are 61.9 mho cm2/mol and 76.3 mho cm2/mole respectively.
  10. What is Kohlrausch’s Law? Define their application.
  11. If the molar conductivities at infinite dilution of NaCl, HCl and CH3COONa are 126.4, 426.1 and 91-mho cm2/mol respectively, what will be that of acetic acid.
  12. Define the term specific, Equivalent and molar conductivities and there relationships.
  13. How many Faradays/Coulombs are required to produce:
    a. 20 gm of Calcium from molten Calcium Chloride
    b. 50 gm of Aluminum from Aluminum Oxide.
  14. The specific conductivity of N/50 solution of KCl at 298 K is 0.002765 mho/cm if the resistance of the same solution placed in the cell is 2000 ohms, what is cell constant.
  1. Solid State
  2. Solutions
  3. Electrochemistry
  4. Chemical Kinetics
  5. P Blocks Element
  6. D and F Block Elements
  7. Coordination Compound
  8. Nuclear Chemistry
  9. Stereochemistry
  10. Functional Group I
  11. Polymers
  12. Biomolecules
  13. Chemistry In Everyday Life
  14. Practice Paper 1
  15. Practice Paper 2
  16. Practice Paper 3


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