CBSE Important Questions

CBSE Guess > Papers > Important Questions > Class XII > 2007 > Chemistry > Orgamoc Functional Group II and III

Organic Functional Group II and III

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  1. Mention a use of formalin in industry
  2. Write the IUPAC name of aspirin
  3. How will you convert toluene to benzaldehyde.
  4. How will you convert acetic acid to ethyl amine.
  5. What is meant by acidity constant Ka? How is it expressed.
  6. Mention an important use of methanoic acid
  7. Write one distinction test for acetaldehyde and acetone
  8. How will you account for the following: Chloroacetic acid is stronger acid than acetic acid
  9. How will you convert acetic acid to ehtyl amine.
  10. Mention two important uses of sulphanilic acid.
  11. State two important uses of aniline
  12. State one use of acetonitrile
  13. Write the chemical equation for the hydrolysis of ethane isonitrile
  14. Give one chemical test to distinguish between nitroethane and ethylnitrite
  15. What for are quaternary ammonium salts widely used.
  16. What is ambident group? Give one example
  17. Why is anililne a weaker base than cyclohexyl amine
  18. How can aniline be obtained from aniline
  19. How are nitro alkanes prepared from alkanes
  20. 20 Write two uses of nitroalkanes.


  1. How is aniline converted into benzonitrile
  2. How is anililne converted into Bromobenzene
  3. How isniline converted into p nitroanililne
  4. Explain why boiling point of methyl amine is less than that of methanoic acid
  5. Describe: Hoffmann Bromamide degradation & Prepration of azo compound.
  6. Explain: Clemensons reduction Canizaro reaction
  7. State one reaction in each case Rosemond reduction Aldol condensation
  8. Describe trans esterfiication reaction giving one example
  9. How will you prepare 2 Butenal from ethanal
  10. Why benzaldehyde does not undergo aldol condensation


  1. How will you prepare
    [i] 2 propanol from propanone
    [ii] Benzamide from benzoic acid
    [iii] Acetophenone from benzene
  2. How would obtain the following from named sources:
    [i] Tertiary butyl alcohol from acetone
    [ii] Benzene from toluene
    [iii] Acetone from acetic acid.
  3. How will you convert
    [i] Malonic acid into acetic acid
    [ii] Acetaldehyde into ethane
    [iii] Acetylene into acetic acid
  4. Describe Hinsberg test to distinguish between primary, secondary and tertiary amines. Give chemical equations. Mention two uses of aromatic amines.
  5. How is ethaylamine prepared from acetonitrile? Compare its basic character with that of ammonia
  1. Atomic Structure and Chemical Bonding
  2. Solid State
  3. Solutions
  4. Thermodynamics
  5. Electrochemistry
  6. Chemical Kinetics
  7. P Block Elements
  8. D and F Block Elements
  9. Nuclear Chemistry
  10. Stereo Chemistry
  11. Organic Functional Group I
  12. Organic Functional Group II and III
  13. Surface Chemistry
  14. Chemistry In Every Day Life
  15. Polymers
  16. Practice Paper No.1
  17. Practice Paper No.2
  18. Practice Paper No.3
  19. Practice Paper No.4


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