CBSE Important Questions

CBSE Guess > Papers > Important Questions > Class XII > 2007 > Chemistry > Solid State

Solid State

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  1. What are interstitials in a crystal?
  2. What is a schottky deffect?
  3. What are the types of lattice imperfection found in crystals?
  4. Why is frenkel deffect found in AgCl?
  5. Name the type of structure possessed by a unit cell of CsCl.
  6. How is ferromagnetism differen from paramagnetism.
  7. For tetrahedral coordination what should be the range of radius ratio value
  8. What is antiferromagnetism Give one example.
  9. Why does pure silicon which is an insulator behave as a semi conduc tor on heating
  10. Mention a compound which shows antifluorite structure.


  1. State the difference between Schottky and Frenkel defects. Which of these two changes the densiy of the solid?
  2. The density of KBr is 2.75 gm/cc The length of the edge of unit cell is 654 pm. Show that KBr has a FCC structure
  3. Calculate the value of Avogadro's number from data:
    Density of NaCl = 2.165 gm/ cc
    Distance between Na and Cl ion in NaCl is 281 pm
  4. A solid AB has the NaCl structure . If the radius of the cation A= 120 pm Calculate the maximum and minimum possible value of the radius of anion B
  5. What are the properties of [i] ferromanetics and [ii] ferroelectrics?
    Give an example of each type


  1. Chromium has monoatomic body centered cubic structure. Its cell edge is 300 pm What is its density [molecular mass = 52 g/mol]
  2. An elemet of atomic mass 98.5 g/mol occurs in fcc structure. If the unit cell edge length if 500 pm and its density is 5.22 g/cc What is the value of Avogadro Number.
  3. A BCC element of density 10.3 g/cc has a cell edge of 314 pm Calcu late the atomic mass of the element.
  4. In corrundum, oxide ions are arranged in hcp array and the aluminium ions occupy two thirds of octahedral voids. What is the formula of corrundum
  5. Explain [i] antiflurite structure [ii] intrinsic and extrinsic conductor
  1. Atomic Structure and Chemical Bonding
  2. Solid State
  3. Solutions
  4. Thermodynamics
  5. Electrochemistry
  6. Chemical Kinetics
  7. P Block Elements
  8. D and F Block Elements
  9. Nuclear Chemistry
  10. Stereo Chemistry
  11. Organic Functional Group I
  12. Organic Functional Group II and III
  13. Surface Chemistry
  14. Chemistry In Every Day Life
  15. Polymers
  16. Practice Paper No.1
  17. Practice Paper No.2
  18. Practice Paper No.3
  19. Practice Paper No.4


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