CBSE Guess > Papers > Important Questions > Class XII > 2007 > Chemistry > Practice Paper 4
Practice Paper 4
- State De Brogle equation?
- What Is The Co- ordination number of atoms in a cubic closed packed structure?
- Explain with example the term weak and strong electrolytes?
- Mention the factor that affect the rate of a chemical reaction?
- What role does adsorption play in hetrogeneious catalysis?
- Give the name of ores of lead and tin ?
- Draw the structure of PCL5?
- What is meant by the denticity of a ligand?
- Give example of monodentate and bidentate?
- Define mutarotation?
- What is an antibiotic? Give the name of the first antibiotic discovered?
- A moving electron has 4.55* 10 –25 j. of kinetic energy calculate its wavelength (mass- 9.1*10-31kg. And h=6.6*10-34 kg. M.2 s-1)
- State Heisenberg uncertainity principle .Give its mathematical expression?
- How many ml. Of a 0.1 mole HCL are required to react completely with one gram mixture of Na2Co3 and NaHCO3 Containing equimolar amount of two?
- What is meant by positive and negative deviation from ROULTS LAW?
- Why would expect a decrease in ENTROPY as a gas condenses in to liquid . compare it with entropy decrease when a liquid sample is converted in to a solid ?
- A solution of NI(NO3)2 is electrolyte between platinum electrodes using a current of 5 ampere for 20 min. what mass of NI is deposited at the cathode?
- THE resistance of a conductivity cell containing 0.001 M KCL solution at 298 k. is 1500 ohm. What is the cell constant if conductivity of 0.001 m KCL Solution at 298 K. IS 0.146*10-3 S.CM –1?
- Give reason why a finely divided substance is more effective as an absorbent?
- Explain the structure of DIBORANE?
- Using IUPAC name write the formula of the following –
(a) pentaamine nitrito –o- cobalt (iii)
(b) potassium tetra chloro palladate(ii)
- Draw the wedge and dash formula of the simplest CHIRAL ALKANE , ALKENE and ALKYNE?
- Write the structural formula and names of the four possible ALDOL condensation product from PROPANOL and BUTANOL in each case indicate s which aldehydes served Nucleophile and electrophile?
- Write the mode of free radical polymerization of an Alkene?
- What is DENATURATION and RENATURATION of protiens?
- Harmon are chemical massengar explain?
- HOW do you prepare p- NITRO ANILINE from ANILINE?
- THE first order of defrection of x - rays from a certain set of crystal planes occurs at an angle of 11.8 degree from the planes if the plane are 0.281nm. apart what is the wavelength of x- rays?
- The enthalpy of vapourisation of a liquid DIETHYLE – ETHER (C2H5)2 O is 26.0kj./mole at its boiling point 35.0 degree celsios?
Calculate del s for conversion of
(a) liquid to vapour
(b) vapour to liquid at 35.0 degree celsious ?
- The rate of most reaction s double when their temp. is raised from 298 k. to 308 k. calculate their activation energy?
- HOW are xenon flourides XeF2 and XeF4 prepared ? deduce their structure applying VSPER theory?
- Illustrate with an example each of the following --
(a) Ionization isomerism
(b) Linkage isomerism
(c) Co- ordination isomerism
- Calculate the mass of 140 la in a sample whose activity is 3.7*10-10 BQ(1 BECQUEREL, BQ = 1 DISINTIGRATION PER SEC. ) gives that its t ½ is 40 hours ?
- Atomic Structure and Chemical Bonding
- Solid State
- Solutions
- Thermodynamics
- Electrochemistry
- Chemical Kinetics
- P Block Elements
- D and F Block Elements
- Nuclear Chemistry
- Stereo Chemistry
- Organic Functional Group I
- Organic Functional Group II and III
- Surface Chemistry
- Chemistry In Every Day Life
- Polymers
- Practice Paper No.1
- Practice Paper No.2
- Practice Paper No.3
- Practice Paper No.4