Understanding Media - Chapter Wise CBSE Solved Question and Answer Based On NCERT
Individual answer
The technologies used by mass media is expensive and they keeps on changing their technologies. These advanced technologies requires lot of money. There are number of employees associated with these works that are paid, like in a news studio, it is not only news reader who needs to be paid, but lot of people are also paid who helps to put in the broadcast together. Thus most television channels and newspapers are part of big business houses.
In a democracy, media plays an important role in providing :-- News and in discussing events taking place in the country and in the world. Media provides information to the citizens and enables them to take action.
An independent media means that no one should control and influence its coverage of news. Media is far from independent, this is because of control of government over them. Government prevents some news items, scenes from a movie, or lyrics of songs from being shared with larger public, this is called as censorship.
Censorship means the process by which media is controlled by the government, when any news, dialogues, lyrics or scene is prevented from being shared with the larger public.
‘Setting of an agenda’ by the media means that the media plays an important role in shaping our thoughts. By ‘setting agendas’, the media influences the way we think and makes us aware of issues which it thinks is important. One instance of this would be the raising of awareness about the levels of pesticides in colas. Another is the Fashion week, which was at the front of headlines while several slums were being demolished in Mumbai.
‘Setting of an agenda’ by the media means that the media plays an important role in shaping our thoughts. By ‘setting agendas’, the media influences the way we think and makes us aware of issues which it thinks is important. One instance of this would be the raising of awareness about the levels of pesticides in colas. Another is the Fashion week, which was at the front of headlines while several slums were being demolished in Mumbai.
Because these issues cannot attract lot of reader or viewer and this may affect their business. Also sometimes because of some political control over media such news are not highlighted.
‘Setting of an agenda’ by the media means that the media plays an important role in shaping our thoughts. By ‘setting agendas’, the media influences the way we think and makes us aware of issues which it thinks is important. One instance of this would be the raising of awareness about the levels of pesticides in colas. Another is the Fashion week, which was at the front of headlines while several slums were being demolished in Mumbai.
Broadcast is used to refer to a TV or radio programme that is widely transmitted.
Chapter 6 | Understanding Media |