The Making of Regional Culture - Chapter Wise CBSE Solved Question and Answer Based On NCERT
Points To Remember:
Each region has its own style of food, dance, dress, music and painting, these regional cultural through a product of complex process helped India in building as a Nation
Although there is a diversity factor but still a common thread runs through the Indians
Language is connected to regional culture
Religion too have influences of regional variation, best example is cult of Jagannatha at Puri
The famous Rasa Lila is an example of kathak tradition, during Mughal era it transformed from a temple dance to a court dance, later on it was divided into two traditions Jaipur and Lucknow tradition. They were named after the name of city in which they were evolved
British administrator did not favour this culture tradition
Like language and religion painting too was affected by regional features, miniature painting was one of them
16th century witnessed the migration of people to forest and marshy areas