The Delhi Sultans - Chapter Wise CBSE Solved Question and Answer Based On NCERT
Points To Remember:
Delhi became an important commercial city in the twelfth century, it first became capital of kingdom under the Tomar Rajputs and later the Chauhans
There are five important dynasty that together ruled over Delhi
Different dynasties in Delhi were Rajput Dynasty, early Turkish ruler, khalji dynasty, Tughluq dynasty, Sayyid dynasty and Lodi dynasty
Important historical sources are inscriptions and manuscript, coins issued by different rulers, literary sources and sultanate art and architecture
The Khalji and Tughlaq monarchs appointed military commanders as governors of territories. These lands were called iqta and their holders were called iqtadar or muqti
The authors who wrote the histories were learned men like secretaries, administrators, poets and courtiers
Expansion of the Sultanate took place in two steps.
Stage One: The first set of campaigns was aimed at consolidating the hinterlands of the garrison towns. Forests were cleared and hunters and pastoralists were driven away from their habitat.
Lands were given to peasants for cultivation.
Stage Two: In the second stage, the armies marched southward and captured vast territories. Muhammad Tughluq's armies captured large numbers of elephants, horses and slaves.