Subjects / Fields: Chinese Language & Literature, Fine Arts, (Painting & Sculpture) Economics, History, Bio-technology, Botany, Zoology, Environmental Science, Plant Breeding & Genetics, Fisheries, Political Science. Sericulture Agronomy
Duration: 1-2 Yrs
No. of Scholarship: 25
Commencement of academic session: September/p>
Notification: Employment News/Leading dailies during the month of January/Feb.
Indian nationals. Below 40 Years. Qualifications for Chinese Lang 2-3 Year Cert/Dip in basic Chinese Language from recognised Institution/University. Bachelor degree in Fine Arts with 60% for Fine Arts. For other subjects 60% marks at Post Graduates level with work research experience of two years.
Scholarship covers expenditure on board & lodging Tuition fees pocket expenses which is paid by Chinese Govt.
Passage Cost : Both ways is borne by Govt. of India.
Application Process
Application, duly sponsored by the employers (if employed) furnishing particulars (as per notified format) may be submitted on plain paper, by the prescribed date.
Contact Address
Section Officer ES.3 Section, Ministry of Human Resource Development, Department of Education, External Scholarship Division A1/w3 Curzon Road Barracks, KG Marg, New Delhi 110001.