CBSE Important Questions

CBSE Guess > Papers > Important Questions > Class X > 2009 > Science > Science By Mr. Siddhartha Dixit


Q. 1. Explain the principle behind launching of satellites in detail.

Q. 2. Draw a diagram to distinguish between equatorial and polar orbits of artificial satellites.

Q. 3. What are the advantages of keeping the satellites in a) Equatorial orbit b) Polar orbit.

Q. 4. What is a geostationary satellite? List four applications of artificial satellites.

Q. 5. What is Remote Sensing? What type of orbit is suitable for these satellites?

Q. 6. What is payload?

Q. 7. What are Multi-stage launch vehicles? Why do we use them?

Q. 8. What are the essential properties of a rocket fuel? What is the composition of liquid and solid fuels?

Q. 9. What are the major activities/achievements of ISRO?





Paper By Mr. Siddhartha Dixit

  1. Metals and Non-Metals
  2. Electrostatics
  3. Reflestion and Refraction
  4. Optical Instruments
  5. Nuclear Fusion And Fissions
  6. Electricity
  7. Source of Energy
  8. Our Universe
  9. Artificial Satellites