CBSE Important Questions

CBSE Guess > Papers > Important Questions > Class X > 2009 > Science > Science By Parag Sharma


Q. 1. What happens if the plates of a charged capacitor suddenly connected by a conducting wire.

Q. 2. sketch the graph to show that the charge Q acquired by a capacitor of capacitance C varies with increase in potential difference b/w its plates.

Q. 3. A spherical shell with radius a and charge Q is expanded to radius b, what is the work done by the elecctro static force in this process ?

Q. 4. two point charges placed at a distance r in air exert a force F on each other. At what distance will these charges experience the same force f in a medium of dielectric constant k.

Q. 5. An infinite number of charges each equal to q are placed along X axis at x= 1, x=2 x=4, x= 8…………. . find the electric field at the point x=0 due to this set up of charges.

Q. 6. draw the graphs showing the variations of electrostatic potential V and electrostatic field E with distance r from a charge q.

Q. 7. using gauss’s theorem, show that electric field inside a conductor is zero, and that the interior of a conductor can have no excess charge in the static situation.

Q 8. derive an expression for the capacitance of parallel plate capacitor when a dielectric slab is introduced b/w n its plates mention some of its uses also.

Q. 9. two point charges of +16 uC and – 9uc are placed 8 cm apart in air. determine the position of the point at which the resultant field is zero.

Q. 10. Derive an expression for the torque acting on an electric dipole held in a uniform mag. Field and also derive for potential; energy of the dipole also mention the stable and unstable position..

Q. 11. A 600 pF capacitor is charged by a 200v supply. It is then disconnected from the supply and is connected to another uncharged 600pF capacitor. How much electrostatic energy is lost in the process ?

Q. 12. find the capacitance of three parallel plates each of area A and separated by d1 and d2 metre. The in- b/w spaces are filled with dielectrics of relative permittivity E1 and E2. the permittivity of free space is E0.

Paper By Mr. Parag Sharma
Mobile No. 9412210853

  1. Metals and Non-Metals
  2. Electrostatics
  3. Reflestion and Refraction
  4. Optical Instruments
  5. Nuclear Fusion And Fissions
  6. Electricity
  7. Source of Energy
  8. Our Universe
  9. Artificial Satellites