CBSE Important Questions

CBSE Guess > Papers > Important Questions > Class X > 2009 > Science > Science By Mr. Siddhartha Dixit


Q. 1. What is the cause of release of usually high energy in nuclear fission reaction? How is the energy per fission calculated?

Q. 2. What is a Thermal neutron? Draw a schematic diagram depicting the fission of U-235 nucleus on absorption of thermal neutron.

Q. 3. Describe a nuclear chain reaction with an example.

Q. 4. What are physical parameters conserved in a nuclear reaction?

Q. 5. How many groups of nuclei are generated in the fission reaction of U-235 and what are their characteristics?

Q. 6. With the help of labeled diagram explain how nuclear reactor can be used to generate electricity? What is the role of moderator in a nuclear reactor? Name few moderators employed widely.

Q. 7. What is nuclear fission reaction? Given that the mass of deuteron and α-particle are 2.01471 and 4.00388 amu. Find the energy released in the fusion reaction.

Q. 8. Calculate how many beta particles are emitted when the following nuclear transformation is brought about:

Q. 9. Write the possible fusion reaction taking place in the Sun. Describe two typical fusion reactions in detail.

Q. 10. In a particular nuclear fission reaction a nucleus captures a slow neutron. The fission products are three neutrons. A and a fission product . What is the value of z?

Q. 11. The mass number of four different atoms P,Q,R,S are 2,35,135,239 which one of them is suitable for nuclear fusion?

Q. 12. Write 1 MeV in terms of Joules.

Q. 13. Name the process by which energy is produced in a nuclear reactor.

Q. 14. Name two isotopes which readily undergo nuclear fission.

Q. 15. Calculate the energy released (in MeV) when 1 kg mass of is completely converted into energy.

Q. 16. When uranium undergoes fission 0.1% of the total mass is converted into energy. Calculate the total amount of energy released in joules during an explosion of an atom bomb which contains 5kg of uranium.

Q. 17. Draw a schematic diagram showing essential steps in a controlled chain reaction. What is Enriched Uranium? Why is it essential to use enriched uranium for the nuclear fission reaction? Name one more element other than uranium which can readily undergo fission reaction.

Q. 18. Describe a nuclear chain reaction with an example.

Q. 19. What is meant by nuclear chain reaction? How is this reaction controlled? What happens if this reaction is not controlled?

Q. 20. Explain the working of Hydrogen bomb and atom bomb.

Q. 21. Distinguish between Delayed, prompt and spontaneous fission of nuclei.

Q. 22. How is obtained from . Trace the pathway.

Q. 23. What are the conditions under which nuclear fusion reactions can be performed in the laboratories?

Q. 24. Why is the energy obtained from fusion preferred to the energy obtained from fission reactions? Give two reasons.

Paper By Mr. Siddhartha Dixit

  1. Metals and Non-Metals
  2. Electrostatics
  3. Reflestion and Refraction
  4. Optical Instruments
  5. Nuclear Fusion And Fissions
  6. Electricity
  7. Source of Energy
  8. Our Universe
  9. Artificial Satellites