CBSE Papers

CBSE Guess > Papers > Question Papers > Class XII > 2004 > Business Studies > Compartment Delhi Set-I

BUSINESS STUDIES (Set I—Compartment Delhi)

Q. 1. Define 'Management'. 2

Q. 2. Name any four key components of general environment of business. 2

Q. 3. What is meant by 'Supervision'? 2

Q. 4. Differentiate between 'Primary Market' and 'Secondary Market'. Give any two points. 2

Q. 5. Explain the term 'Right to safety'. 2

Q. 6. The Production Manager of ABC Ltd. Instruction a salesman to go slow in selling the product, where as the marketing Manager is insisting of fast selling to reach the target. Which principle of management is being violated in the case? 3

Q. 7. State any six features of 'Planning'. 3

Q. 8. What is meant by Policy' as a type of 'Plan'. 3

Q. 9. State any three objectives of 'Marketing Management'. 3

Q. 10. What is meant by 'Product Planning'? 3

Q. 11. Explain 'Time-study' and 'Fatigue-study' as techniques of Scientific Management. 4

Q. 12. Explain how organising helps in 'Specialisation' and 'Co-ordination'. 4

Q. 13. A company is manufacturing pencils. The Factory Manager wants to give remuneration on the basis of piece-wage system, whereas the workers are demanding time-wage system.
Which system of wage payment, according to you, is more suitable and why?4

Q. 14. 'Buy one get one free' is an example of one of the techniques of Promotion Mix. Name the technique. Explain any two other techniques of Promotion Mix.4

Q. 15. I saw an advertisement in the newspaper regarding a domestic iron and ordered for the purchase of the same to the shop-keeper.
What will be my responsibilities as a customer so that I should not be exploited by the shop-keeper? State any four such responsibilities. 4

Q. 16. Management plays an important role in the success, efficiency and soundness of an organisation. How? Explain. 5

Q. 17. Explain any five impacts of changes in Government policy on Business and Industry. 5

Q. 18. Which function of management ensures work accomplishment according to plans? Name and explain the importance of this function. 5

Q. 19. 'Determination of capital structure of a company is influenced by a number of factors.' Explain any five such factors. 5

Q. 20. Explain any five effects of 'Over capitalisation' on the company. 5

Q. 21. Explain the term 'Formal organisation'. Differentiate between 'formal' and 'informal' organisation on the basis of (a) purpose, (b) structure, (c) communication and (d) formation. 6


Explain the term 'Delegation'. Distinguish between 'Delegation' and 'Decentralisation' on the basis of (a) scope, (b) significance, (c) control and (d) essentiality.

Q. 22. What is meant by 'Monetary Incentives'? State any five types of monetary incentives, which contribute to the performance of employees. 6


What is meant by 'Non-monetary Incentives'? State any five types of non-monetary incentives which contribute to the performance of employees.

Q. 23. 'Effectiveness of leadership depends on the qualities of the leader.' Explain any four such qualities of a leader. 6


'Effectiveness of motivation contributes to the success of an organisatlon.' How? Explain giving any four points.

Q. 24. Give the meaning of 'Stock Exchange' State any four functions of Stock Exchange. 6


State any three 'Protective' and any three 'Regulatory' functions of SEBI.

Q. 25. Explain 'Objectives', 'Cost' and 'Competition as factors de termining the price of a Product'.


Explain 'Market', 'Product' and 'Company' related factors determining the choice of channels of distribution. 6

Business Studies 2004 Question Papers Class XII
Delhi Outside Delhi Compartment Delhi Compartment Outside Delhi
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