CBSE Papers

CBSE Guess > Papers > Question Papers > Class XII > 2004 > Business Studies > Outside Delhi Set-I

BUSINESS STUDIES (Set I—Outside Delhi)

Q.1. Explain, in brief 'management' as a group of people having managerial responsibility for an enterprise 2

Q. 2. Give two examples of the impact on business organizations of changes in the environment. 2

Q. 3. Explain, in brief the term 'supervision' as an element of directing. 2

Q. 4. What is the societal concept of marketing? 2

Q. 5. Differentiate between 'marketing' and 'selling' on the basis of (a) meaning and (b) emphasis: 2

Q. 6. Explain any three points which highlight the nature of principles of management. 3

Q. 7. Enumerte any three advantages and any three disadvantages of 'Formal communication' 3

Q. 8. "Leadership is required only for less efficient subordinates" Do you agree? Give any three reasons in support of your answer. 3

Q. 9. Explain briefly any three factors that are considered while fixing the price of a product. 3

Q. 10. Explain any three sales promotion activities commonly used by marketers. 3

Q. 11. Which principle of management envisages that each group of activities having the same objectives must have one head and one plan 9 Explain the principle with a suitable example.

Q. 12. Delegation of authority is a process involving authority, responsibility and accountability." Explain this statement, in brief. 4

Q. 13. Which method of Wage payment - Time-rate of Piece rate - would you adopt in each of the following situations? Give reasons support of your answer. 4
(i) Where rate of output is determined solely by machine and not by operation,
(ii) Where production process require8 high degree of skill,
(iii) Where work flow is regular and
(iv) Where quantity of output is more important than its quality.

Q. 14. The directors of a newly established company having paid up equity share capital of Rs. 2.5 crores, desire to get its shares traded at an All India level Stock Exchange. As finance manager of the company, suggest the name of the Stock Exchange for the purpose Give any three reasons In support of your answer. 4

Q. 15. State any four regulatory functions of the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI). 4

Q. 16. "Management and Administration mean the same thing."Explain the view. 5

Q. 17. Explain, in brief, any five economic changes that have been initiated by the Government of India since 1991. 5

Q. 18. Explain briefly the various steps involved in the process of controlling. 5

Q. 19. "Though one of the effect of under-capitalisation is that the market value of shares goes up, yet under-capitalisation is not considered good for the company." Do you agree with the statement? Give reasons. 5

Q. 20. Explain, in brief, any five factors that should he taken into consideration while determining the long-term dividend policy. 5

Q. 21. Explain briefly any six points which highlight the importance of planning. 6


Explain, in brief, the meaning of 'policy' and 'rule' as types of plans and give any four points of distinction between them.

Q. 22. What is an 'informal organisation'? Distinguish be formal organisation' and 'informal organisation' on the basis of: (i) purpose, (ii) behaviour of members, (iii) adherence to rules, and (iv) stability. 6


Explain, in brief, any six points which highlight the importance of decentralisation in an organization.

Q. 23. Explain, in brief, any six steps involved in the process of selection of employees. 6


Explain briefly any six external sources of recruitment of workers

Q. 24. Advertising cost are passed on to the consumers in the form of "high prices" and "Some assessments are bad taste". Do you agree? Give reasons in support of your answer. 6


Explain, in brief, the factors that are tal consideration while taking decision on pricing on the product.

Q. 25. Explain the following rights of consumers: 6
(i) The Right to Safety,
(ii) The Right to consumer e4ucation, and (iii) The Right to be heard.


Explain any four ways and means of consumer protection followed in India .

Business Studies 2004 Question Papers Class XII
Delhi Outside Delhi Compartment Delhi Compartment Outside Delhi
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Indian Colleges Set III Indian Colleges Set III