CBSE Papers

CBSE Guess > Papers > Question Papers > Class XII > 2004 > Business Studies > Compartment Outside Delhi Set-I

BUSINESS STUDIES (Set I—Compartment Outside Delhi)

Q. 1. Define 'Management as a Process' 2

Q. 2. What is meant by 'Environment Scanning" 2

Q. 3. Define the term 'Motivation'. 2

Q. 4. Distinguish between 'Capital Market' and 'Money Market' on the basis of 'safety' and 'instruments'. 2

Q. 5. State any two points of distinction between 'Marketing' and 'Selling'. 2

Q. 6. Fayol points out the danger and costs of unnecessary labour turnover in one of his 4 Name and explain the principle. 3

Q. 7. State the three steps in the process organising. 3

Q. 8. State any three limitations of functional structure of organising. 3

Q. 9. State the three methods through which 'initial-public-offer' can be made. 3

Q. 10. What is meant by 'Treasury Bill' and 'trade' Bill'? 3

Q. 11. Explain 'Method Study' and 'Motion Study' as techniques of 'Scientific Management', 4

Q. 12. Explain the considerations to be kept in mind while building an organisational structure. 4

Q. 13. A company manufacturing computers could not decide upon the method of wage-payment. The Factory Manager is in favour of 'Time Rate system' whereas the labour of demanding 'Piece-Rate system'. Which of the above two methods of wage-payment would you recommend? Give any three reasons in support of your answer. 4

Q. 14. The average rate of earnings of an industry is 10%. A company belonging to the said industry had invested Re. 12,00,000 and its earnings for the current year were Re. 1,00,000.
State the type of capitalisation that exists in this company. Give any two causes of this type of capitalisation. 4

Q. 15. '100 grains of extra material in a pack of one kg' is an ex ample of one of the techniques of 'Promotion-Mix'. Name the technique and explain two other techniques of promotion-mix. 4

Q. 16. 'Understanding of environmental context of a business is of immense significance.' Explain the statement by giving any five -points. 5

Q. 17. 'Management is neither as precise nor as comprehensive as the natural and pure sciences are.' Why? Explain. 5

Q. 18. 'If planning is done carefully and accordingly other functions of management are going in the right direction, then there is no need of the controlling functions of management.' Do you agree with the statement? Give reasons in support of your answer. 5

Q. 19. Discuss any five objections to advertising. 5

Q. 20. Explain 'Product-related factors' and 'Company-related factors' determining the choice of channels of distribution. 5

Q. 21. Explain why is training for the staff needed in an organisation. 6


Explain 'Job rotation', 'Vestibule training' and 'Internship' as methods of training.'

Q. 22. Explain any four factors which are likely to disrupt effective communication. 6


Explain by giving any four points, how supervision is an important element of directing.

Q. 23. Define 'Planning'. State any four reasons, why planning is important. 6


Define 'Goals', 'Objectives' and 'Rules'.

Q. 24. Explain any four factors affecting the dividend policy of a company. 6


Explain any four factors affecting the working capital requirements.

Q. 25. Explain in brief any six ways and means of consumer protection followed in India . 6


Explain in brief any six responsibilities of consumers to safeguard their interests.

Business Studies 2004 Question Papers Class XII
Delhi Outside Delhi Compartment Delhi Compartment Outside Delhi
Indian Colleges Set I Indian Colleges Set I Indian Colleges Set I Indian Colleges Set I
Indian Colleges Set II Indian Colleges Set II Indian Colleges Set II Indian Colleges Set II
Indian Colleges Set III Indian Colleges Set III