CBSE Guess > Papers > Question Papers > Class XII > 2005 > Political Science > Compartment Delhi Set-I
POLITICAL SCIENCE 2005 (Set-I Compartment Delhi)
Q. 1. Define law. 2
Q. 2. What is meant by ‘Dharma’? 2
Q. 3. Mention any two dimensions of justice. 2
Q. 4. Define Rights. Mention anyone political right. 1+1
Q. 5. What do you understand by the right to work? 2
Q. 6. What is the meaning of political participation? 2
Q. 7. Mention any two characteristics of Liberalism. 2
Q. 8. Define planning. 2
Q. 9. What do you understand by gender justice? 2
Q. 10. What is the meaning of gloabalization? 2
Q. 12. Define Equality. What do you mean by equality of opportunity? 2+2
Q. 13. Write any two compulsory and two optional functions of a welfare state. 2+2
Q. 14. Define Socialism. Mention any two characteristics of Socialism. 2+2
Q. 15. Why in your opinion are the elections necessary in a Democratic System? 4
Q. 16. Mention any four drawbacks in the electoral process of India. 4
Q. 17. What do you mean by political parties Mention any two of their functions. 2+2
Q. 18. How has planning helped in bringing socio-economic development in India? 4
Q. 19. Describe the importance of non-formal and adult education in independent India. 2+2
Q. 20. Explain the nature of Indo-Sri Lankan relationship. 4
Q. 21. Distinguish between comparative government and comparative politics. What is the utility of the study of comparative politics? 4+4
Explain any two approaches of the study of comparative politics. 4+4
Q. 22. “Fascist state is a totalitarian state.” Comment. 8
Evaluate the relevance of Gandhism in the present day scenario. 8
Q. 23. “Regional parties in the present day India have acquired a very important role.” Do you agree? Give arguments in support of your answer. 8
Distinguish between political parties and pressure groups. How do the pressure groups achieve their goals? 2+6
Q. 24. Assess the role of caste in the electoral politics of India. 8
“Communalism is a cure.” How can it be curbed? Give any four suggestions. 4+4
Q. 25. Critically examine the basic principles of india’s Foreign Policy. 8
Evaluate the issues of co-operation and conflict between India and Pakistan. 4+4
CBSE 2005 Question Papers Class XII