CBSE Papers

CBSE Guess > Papers > Question Papers > Class XII > 2005 > Political Science > Outside Delhi Set-I

POLITICAL SCIENCE 2005 (Set-I Outside Delhi)

Q. 1. “Without law there would be complete anarchy in a society.” Comment on this statement. 2

Q. 2. Differentiate between Rights and Claims. 2

Q. 3. What is impact of globalisation on state activities. 2

Q. 4. What is the difference between Comparative Government and Comparative Politics? 2

Q. 5. How far is it correct to say that Marx was a humanist? 2

Q. 6. Explain Empirical Liberalism. 2

Q. 7. How did Lenin modify Marxism? 2

Q. 8. What are the main differences between interest groups and pressure groups? 2
Q. 9. What do the NDA and UPA stand for? 1+1

Q. 10. Name at least four of the seven countries that form the SAARC. 2

Q. 11. Discuss the relationship between Liberty and Equality. 4

Q. 12. Mention any two differences between the laissez faire and welfare state. 4

Q. 13. “Majority is not enough and unanimity is not required for the formulation of public opinion.” Comment on it. 4

Q. 14. How can we make the elections more reflective the strength of political parties? 4

Q. 15. Write a short note on the role of opposition parties in a democracy. 4

Q. 16. Why was caste played such an important role in the electoral politics in India? How can we curb it? 2+2

Q. 17. Are you in favour of reservation of one-third seats for women in the Lok Sabha? Give arguments in support of your answer. 4

Q. 18. Write a brief note on the functions of the National Development Council of India. 4

Q. 19. What is the difference between regionalism and separatism ‘How far is it correct to say that regionalism is not a bad idea in itself’? 2+2

Q. 20. Discuss India’s changing relationship with the United States of America. 4

Q. 21. What is meant by social justice? Are you in favour of giving preferential treatment to the backward classes In India in schools and colleges? Give arguments in support of your answer. 8
Write a short essay on the concept and significance of Dharma in Indian thought and practice.

Q. 22. How far is It correct to say that political socialisation leads to political participation and political development? Give arguments in support of your answer. 8
Differentiate between the traditional and modern approaches to the study of Comparative Politics.

Q. 23. Write a short essay on M.N. Roy’s ideas on Humanism. 8
What were the reasons for the rise and fall of Fascism’? 8

Q. 24. “Illiteracy is a bane for democracy in India” What steps have been taken by the Government of India to implement free and compulsory education for all children upto the age of 14’? 8
What are the reasons for the widespread socio-economic Inequalities in How can we bridge these gaps?

Q. 25. Discuss India’s role in the Non-Aligned Movement. 8
Discuss the main principles of India’s foreign policy. 8

Political Science 2005 Question Papers Class XII
Delhi Outside Delhi Compartment
Indian Colleges Set I Indian Colleges Set I Indian Colleges Set I
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