CBSE Papers

CBSE Guess > Papers > Question Papers > Class XII > 2005 > Political Science > Outside Delhi Set-III

POLITICAL SCIENCE 2005 (Set-III Outside Delhi)

Except for the following questions, all the remaining questions have been asked in Set I. & Set II.

Q. 1. Distinguish between Private and Public Law. 2

Q. 4. What is the utility of the comparative method of the study of politics. 2

Q. 6. Differentiate between Rights and Claims. 2

Q. 8. What does SAFFA stand for? 2

Q. 11. “It is the notion of justice which binds liberty with equality.” Explain this statement. 4

Q. 16. Write a critical note on Panchayati Raj and Planning in India. 4

Q. 17. What is the role of media during election in India? 4

Q. 18. Discuss India’s changing relations with China. 4

Q. 23. Trace the various modifications in the doctrine of Liberalism from time to time.
What is the relevance of Gandhism in the 21st century?

Political Science 2005 Question Papers Class XII
Delhi Outside Delhi Compartment
Indian Colleges Set I Indian Colleges Set I Indian Colleges Set I
Indian Colleges Set II Indian Colleges Set II Indian Colleges Set II
Indian Colleges Set III Indian Colleges Set III Indian Colleges Set III