CBSE Guess > Papers > Important Questions > Class XII > 2007 > Chemistry > Coordination Compound
Coordination Compound

- Write the IUPAC name of [Pt(NH3) 3Br(NO2)Cl]Cl
- List the different types of isomerism shown by coordination compound?
- Explain the structure of [FeF6]-3
- Give one suitable example of Linkage Isomerism
- Predict the shape of [Cr(NH3) 6]-3
- Predict the shape of [Ni(CO4)]
- How many isomers are there for the octahedral complex [CoCl2(en)(NH3) 4]+
- Give the chemical formulae for nitropentaaminecobalt(III)nitrate.
- What are organometallic compounds? Give one example.
- Give an example of an organometallic compound that is used as homogeneous catalyst.
- Account for the following
a. [Fe(CN) 6]-3 is weakly paramagnetic while [Fe(CN) 6]-4 is diamagnetic
b. [Ni(CO4)] possess tetrahedral geometry while [Ni(CN)4]-2 is square planar
- Discuss the role of complex compounds in the area of
a. Electroplating
b. Softening of water
- How are the organometallic compounds classified
- Describe the nature of bonding
a. In metal carbonyls
b. In complexes
- Mention one method of preparation of the following organometallic compounds:
a. Zeises Salts
b. [C2H4PtCl3]-
- Discuss the structure of each of the following
a. cis- [Pt(NH3) 2Cl2]
b. Ferrocene
- Draw the structure and write the hybridization state of central atom of the following species
a. Fe(CO<sub>5)
b. Trans [Co(NH3) 4Cl2]+
- Write short note on
a. Complex ion
b. Co-ordination number
c. Ligand
- What is meant by unidentate & bidentate ligands? Illustrate with examples.
- In the Formulae Fe(n5-C5H5) what does the prefix n5 denotes.
- Define the terms (any three)
a. Co-ordination sphere
b. Denticity of Ligands
c. Chelating Ligands
d. An ambidient ligand
- Mention the geometrical shapes of the complexes involving the following hybrid orbital
a. Sp3 b. dsp2 c. d2sp3
- Explain the isomerism shown by co-ordination compounds briefly
- Explain Crystal Field Theory & the properties of complexes by crystal field theory. Why the co-ordination complexes are colored.
- What is the application of coordination compounds? Explain at least five of them
- Explain how the nature of the ligands effect the stability of a complex ion
- What are complexes? Describe two methods for the preparation of the same
- Write the formulae and structure with nomenclature of complex formed during photography.
- Solid State
- Solutions
- Electrochemistry
- Chemical Kinetics
- P Blocks Element
- D and F Block Elements
- Coordination Compound
- Nuclear Chemistry
- Stereochemistry
- Functional Group I
- Polymers
- Biomolecules
- Chemistry In Everyday Life
- Practice Paper 1
- Practice Paper 2
- Practice Paper 3
