CBSE Guess > Papers > Important Questions > Class XII > 2007 > Chemistry > Polymers

- Give one example of a synthetic polymer.
- Name the monomers which is used to prepare dacron
- Bakelite is an example of which polymer
- What is polyisoprene
- Give an example of polydiene
- Write the name of the polymer which is used for making automobile tyres
- What is the monomer unit of neoprene
- Give one example for each of the following : i. Natural polymer ii. Condensation polymer
- For the synthesis of Buna-S which monomer is used.
- Name a polymer used to make cups for hot drinks?
- Give the chemical name of the Teflon?
- Write the 3 polymers of amino acids.
- Why is neoprene non-inflammable.
- What is branched polymer.
- What for Bu, na and S stand in Buna-S?
- Name the monomer unit of polyester.
- In human body which part contain glycogen.
- Define Elastomer and thermoplastic.
- Write one difference between chain growth polymerization and step growth polymerization. Give one example of each.
- What is meant by copolymers? Illustrate with two example. Write equations for the prepration of any one of the two copolymers cited.
- How is Nylon 6 obtained from Cyclohexane?
- State:
k. Cross linked polymer
l. Addition polymer
m. Biopolymers
n. Fibres
o. Polydispersive index
- Name the substance that is used in manufacture of recording tapes.
- Why are the tensile strength and melting point lower in branched chain polymers as compared to linear polymers.
- Why plasticizers are added to plastics give reason with example in support of your answers
- Name the polymer which is obtained by polymerization of ethylene dichloride.
- Name the polymer of ethylene glycol and pthalic acid and also write its uses.
- What is poly halo-olefins and how we can obtained it and give example
- What is meant by Mass average molecular mass.
- Write the mechanism of addition polymerization.
- State : a. Rayon b. Resilience c. Glycogen
- How are polymers classified on the basis of mode of addition of monomers to the growing chain.
- What is the meant by copolymers.
- Define:
a. Free radical polymerization
b. Cationic polymerization
c. Anionic polymerization
- Solid State
- Solutions
- Electrochemistry
- Chemical Kinetics
- P Blocks Element
- D and F Block Elements
- Coordination Compound
- Nuclear Chemistry
- Stereochemistry
- Functional Group I
- Polymers
- Biomolecules
- Chemistry In Everyday Life
- Practice Paper 1
- Practice Paper 2
- Practice Paper 3
