CBSE Guess > Papers > Important Questions > Class XII > 2007 > Chemistry > Electrochemistry

- Define term Electrochemistry
- What is electrolytic cell & electrolysis?
- What is electrolytic conduction with example?
- Define the reaction at cathode and at anode in the electrolysis of molten sodium chloride
- What is the effect of concentration and temperature on transport number?
- How much amount of a substance is deposited by 1 coulomb? What is it called?
- What is corrosion? Define the theory of corrosion.
- What are electrochemical series and its application?
- The conductivity of a saturated solution of AgCl at 288 is found to be 1.382X10-6 mho/cm Find its solubility. Give ionic conductance of Ag+ and Cl- at infinite dilution are 61.9 mho cm2/mol and 76.3 mho cm2/mole respectively.
- What is Kohlrausch’s Law? Define their application.
- If the molar conductivities at infinite dilution of NaCl, HCl and CH3COONa are 126.4, 426.1 and 91-mho cm2/mol respectively, what will be that of acetic acid.
- Define the term specific, Equivalent and molar conductivities and there relationships.
- How many Faradays/Coulombs are required to produce:
a. 20 gm of Calcium from molten Calcium Chloride
b. 50 gm of Aluminum from Aluminum Oxide.
- The specific conductivity of N/50 solution of KCl at 298 K is 0.002765 mho/cm if the resistance of the same solution placed in the cell is 2000 ohms, what is cell constant.
- Solid State
- Solutions
- Electrochemistry
- Chemical Kinetics
- P Blocks Element
- D and F Block Elements
- Coordination Compound
- Nuclear Chemistry
- Stereochemistry
- Functional Group I
- Polymers
- Biomolecules
- Chemistry In Everyday Life
- Practice Paper 1
- Practice Paper 2
- Practice Paper 3
