CBSE Important Questions

CBSE Guess > Papers > Important Questions > Class XII > 2007 > Chemistry > Solutions


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  1. What is desalination?
  2. Distinguish between molarity and molality
  3. What is meant by colligative properties?
  4. How is osmotic pressure dependent upon number of moles of solute?
  5. When the value of Vant Hoff factor more than 1?
  6. Give an example of a compound in which hydrogen bonding results in formation of dimmers.
  7. Why is vapor pressure of solution of glucose in water lower than that of water?
  8. Give two examples of gaseous solutions
  9. What is anti-freeze?
  10. What is the expected value of Vant Hoff factor of potassiumferrocyanide?
  11. State Raoults law. Discuss the factor responsible for the deviation from this law
  12. Calculate the molality and molarity of 13% solution of Sulphuric acid of density 1.02 gm/cc
  13. Define Osmotic Pressure. How it is dependent on temperature.
  14. With the help of suitable diagram illustrate the two type of non-ideal solution.
  15. What is Vant Hoff factor? How does it modify the equation for elevation of boiling point?
  16. What is meant by abnormal molecular mass? Illustrate with example
  17. With the help of suitable diagram show that the lower vapor pressure or a solution than the pure solvent causes the lowering of freezing point for the solution. Compare to that of the pure solvent.
  18. Explain the term plasmolysis of cells
  19. State Henry’s law and mention some of its important application.
  20. Explain the term azeotropes.
  1. Solid State
  2. Solutions
  3. Electrochemistry
  4. Chemical Kinetics
  5. P Blocks Element
  6. D and F Block Elements
  7. Coordination Compound
  8. Nuclear Chemistry
  9. Stereochemistry
  10. Functional Group I
  11. Polymers
  12. Biomolecules
  13. Chemistry In Everyday Life
  14. Practice Paper 1
  15. Practice Paper 2
  16. Practice Paper 3


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