CBSE Guess > Papers > Important Questions > Class XII > 2007 > Chemistry > Solutions

- What is desalination?
- Distinguish between molarity and molality
- What is meant by colligative properties?
- How is osmotic pressure dependent upon number of moles of solute?
- When the value of Vant Hoff factor more than 1?
- Give an example of a compound in which hydrogen bonding results in formation of dimmers.
- Why is vapor pressure of solution of glucose in water lower than that of water?
- Give two examples of gaseous solutions
- What is anti-freeze?
- What is the expected value of Vant Hoff factor of potassiumferrocyanide?
- State Raoults law. Discuss the factor responsible for the deviation from this law
- Calculate the molality and molarity of 13% solution of Sulphuric acid of density 1.02 gm/cc
- Define Osmotic Pressure. How it is dependent on temperature.
- With the help of suitable diagram illustrate the two type of non-ideal solution.
- What is Vant Hoff factor? How does it modify the equation for elevation of boiling point?
- What is meant by abnormal molecular mass? Illustrate with example
- With the help of suitable diagram show that the lower vapor pressure or a solution than the pure solvent causes the lowering of freezing point for the solution. Compare to that of the pure solvent.
- Explain the term plasmolysis of cells
- State Henry’s law and mention some of its important application.
- Explain the term azeotropes.
- Solid State
- Solutions
- Electrochemistry
- Chemical Kinetics
- P Blocks Element
- D and F Block Elements
- Coordination Compound
- Nuclear Chemistry
- Stereochemistry
- Functional Group I
- Polymers
- Biomolecules
- Chemistry In Everyday Life
- Practice Paper 1
- Practice Paper 2
- Practice Paper 3
