CBSE Papers

CBSE Guess > Papers > Question Papers > Class XII > 2006 > Political Science > Compartment Delhi Set - I

Political Science — 2006 (Set I— Compartment Delhi)

Q. 1. Define Dharma. (2)

Q. 2. Differentiate between Comparative government and Comparative politics. (2)

Q. 3. Define ‘Dictatorship of Proletariat’. (2)

Q. 4. Differentiate between territorial and functional systems of representation. (2)

Q. 5. What is ‘Universal Adult Franchise’? (2)

Q. 6. Define Planning and mention its significance. (2)

Q. 7. Mention the provisions for representation of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes at the grass-root level in India. (2)

Q. 8. Mention any two functions of the National Literacy Commission. (2)

Q. 9. List any two reasons for Communalism in India. (2)

Q. 10. What does ‘SAFTA’ stand for? (2)

Q. 11. Define liberty. Differentiate between positive liberty and negative liberty. (2+2)

Q. 12. ‘State activities are always changing.’ Mention its any two reasons. (2+2)

Q. 13. Distinguish between rights and claims. (4)

Q. 14. How does political socialisation lead to political participation? (4)

Q. 15. Differentiate between the institutional and the behavioural approach to the study of Comparative politics. (4)

Q. 16. What is the relevance of Gandhism today? (4)

Q. 17. Suggest any four electoral reforms to curb money and muscle power in India. (4)

Q. 18. Mention the pre-requisites of sound public opinion. (4)

Q. 19. Give any two arguments in support of reservation of one-third seats for women at grass-root level. (2+2)

Q. 20. Differentiate between neutrality and non-alignment. (4)

Q. 21. Define Human Rights and distinguish them from Fundamental Rights. De scribe the role of National Human Rights Commission of India. (2+2+4)


Explain the concept of equality. How far is it correct to say that political equality in the absence of economic equality is a myth? (8)

Q. 22. ‘Liberalism implies both individualism and democracy.’ Comment. (8)


What is Fascism? Analyse the causes of the rise and fall of Fascism.

Q. 23. Analyse the drawbacks of multi-party system. (8)


Evaluate the nature of party system in India.

Q. 24. What are the reasons for widespread socio-economic inequalities in India?
How can we bridge these gaps?(8)


What factors are responsible for rising regionalism in India? How can this be curbed?

Q. 25. Describe India’s contribution in strengthening the United Nations. (8)


Analyse the emerging cordial relationship between India and China.


Political Science 2006 Question Papers Class XII
Delhi Outside Delhi Compartment Delhi Compartment Outside Delhi
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