CBSE Papers

CBSE Guess > Papers > Question Papers > Class XII > 2006 > Political Science > Delhi Set - II

Political Science — 2006 (Set II— Delhi)

General Instructions: See in the Set-I, D.B., 2006.

Note: Except for the following questions, all the remaining questions have been asked in Set-I.

Q. 1. List any two kinds of law. (1+1)

Q. 6. What do you mean by election manifesto? (2)

Q. 10. List any two objectives of the United Nations. (1+1)

Q.15. Explain the “economic interpretation of History” as per Karl Marx. (4)

Q. 17. Why are political parties necessary for a democratic system? (4)

Q. 24. “Illiteracy to a great extent has hampered the functioning of Indian democracy.” Suggest any two methods by which the situation be improved. (4+2+2)


“Political violence be done away with.” Do you agree? Give any three arguments in support of your answer. (2+2+2+2)

Q. 25. Assess the Indo-Pak relations in the context of recent events. (8)


Examine the role of India in the activities carried out by the United Nations. (8)


Political Science 2006 Question Papers Class XII
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