CBSE Guess > Papers > Question Papers > Class XII > 2006 > Political Science > Delhi Set - II Political Science — 2006 (Set II— Delhi) General Instructions: See in the Set-I, D.B., 2006. Note: Except for the following questions, all the remaining questions have been asked in Set-I. Q. 1. List any two kinds of law. (1+1) Q. 6. What do you mean by election manifesto? (2) Q. 10. List any two objectives of the United Nations. (1+1) Q.15. Explain the “economic interpretation of History” as per Karl Marx. (4) Q. 17. Why are political parties necessary for a democratic system? (4) Q. 24. “Illiteracy to a great extent has hampered the functioning of Indian democracy.” Suggest any two methods by which the situation be improved. (4+2+2) Or “Political violence be done away with.” Do you agree? Give any three arguments in support of your answer. (2+2+2+2) Q. 25. Assess the Indo-Pak relations in the context of recent events. (8) Or Examine the role of India in the activities carried out by the United Nations. (8)