CBSE Papers

CBSE Guess > Papers > Question Papers > Class XII > 2006 > Political Science > OutSide Delhi Set - I

Political Science — 2006 (Set I— OutSide Delhi)

General Instructions: See in the Set-I, D.B., 2006.

Q. 1.Define liberty. (2)

Q. 2.What is a Laissez faire state? (2)

Q. 3.Mention any two economic rights. (1+1)

Q. 4.Mention any two traditional approaches to the study of Comparative Politics. (1+1)

Q. 5.What do you mean by Humanism? (2)

Q. 6.What is meant by Proportional Representation? (2)

Q. 7.List any two functions of the National Development Council (1+1)

Q. 8.What is the meaning of delimitation of constituencies? (2)

Q. 9.Write a short note on the National Commission for Women (2)

Q.10.Mention any two objectives of the United Nations. (1+1)

Q.11.How are law and liberty related to each other? (4)

Q. 12. Describe any four characteristics of a Welfare State? (1+1+1+1)

Q. 13. What do you understand by Comparative Politics Explain its input-output approach (2+2)

Q. 14. Explain the meaning of political participation. (4)

Q. 15. Describe any two characteristics of Fascism (2+2)

Q. 16. Explain the composition of the Election Commission. (4)

Q. 17. List any two advantages and two disadvantages of the bi-party system. (2+2)

Q. 18. What role has been played by the Five Year Plans in the socio-economic development of India? (4)

Q. 19. Why has political violence increased in India? Mention any two suggestions by which it may be curbed (2+2)

Q. 20. Explain any two steps by which some cordiality has appeared in Indo Pak relations. (2+2)

Q. 21. Define equality. Describe the relationship between political and economic equality. (2+6)


What is meant by negative liberty? Explain any two differences between negative and positive liberty. (4+4)

Q. 22. Critically examine any four fundamental principles of Marxism. (2x4)


Assess any two basic principles of Gandhism. Give any two arguments to prove that Gandhism is relevant today. (4+2+2)

Q. 23. Evaluate the policies and programmes of CPI (M). (8)


Critically examine the policies and programmes of the Congress Party. (8)

Q. 24. “Casteism continues to be a major hindrance in the successful functioning of Indian democracy.” Comment. (8)


Assess the significance of universalization of elementary education in the successful functioning of a democratic system like India. (8)

Q. 25. Critically examine the nature of Indian foreign policy. (8)


What is Globalization? Mention any three of its advantages and three disadvantages for the Indian political system. (2+3+3)

Political Science 2006 Question Papers Class XII
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