CBSE Papers

CBSE Guess > Papers > Question Papers > Class XII > 2006 > Political Science > Compartment OutSide Delhi Set - I

Political Science — 2006 (Set I— Compartment OutSide Delhi)

Q. 1. Define Human Rights. (2)

Q. 2. Define Comparative Politics. (2)

Q. 3. What is fascism. (2)

Q. 4. What is simple majority system of representation? (2)

Q. 5. Mention any two qualifications of a voter in India. (1+1)

Q. 6. Mention any two functions of Planning Commission in India. (1 +1)

Q. 7. Mention the significance of District Planning Committees in India. (2)

Q. 8. Mention any two reasons for regional imbalances in India. (1 + 1)

Q. 9. Mention any two prevailing socio-economic inequalities in India. (1+ 1)

Q. 10. What is meant by Panchsheel? (2)

Q. 11. What is dharma? Describe its meaning according to Manu-Smriti. (2+2)

Q. 12. What is meant by Laissez-faire state? Mention its any two features. (2+2)

Q. 13. ‘Rights do not imply absence of restraints but the restraints.’ Give any two arguments in support of this statement. (2+2)

Q. 14. How does economic development help political development? Elucidate. (4)

Q. 15. What is the role of educational institutions in the process of political socialisation?

Q. 16. Mention any four types of Satyagraha, as propagated by Mahatma Gandhi. (1+1+1)

Q. 17. Describe any four functions of the Election Commission of India. (1+1+1+1)

Q. 18. Describe the role of means of communication in the formulation and expression of public opinion. (4)

Q. 19. Mention the main objectives of National Policy of Empowerment for Women. (4)

Q. 20. Mention any two differences between Human Rights and Fundamental Rights. (2+2)

Q. 21. Explain how the notion of justice binds liberty with equality. (8)


Define Law. Mention any two attributes of a good law and describe the relationship between law and morality. (2+2+4)

Q. 22. Describe the main characteristics of Socialism. Explain the concept of Guild Socialism. (4+4)


Describe the main principles of Humanism. (8)

Q. 23. Describe any four emerging trends of the party-system in India. (2+2+2+2)


Examine any four drawbacks of the coalition governments in a democracy. (2+2+2+)

Q. 24. How does casteism adversely affect a democratic system like India? Mention any three steps that can be taken to curb it. (4+4)


‘Illiteracy is a curse for democracy’. Explain. What steps have been taken in India for the spread of free and compulsory education for all? (4+4)

Q. 25. Describe the main features of India’s foreign policy. (8)


Analyse India’s relationship with U.S.A. (8)

Political Science 2006 Question Papers Class XII
Delhi Outside Delhi Compartment Delhi Compartment Outside Delhi
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