CBSE Guess > Papers > Question Papers > Class XII > 2006 > Political Science > Delhi Set - I Political Science — 2006 (Set I — Delhi) Q. 1. Define law. (2) Q. 2. What do you mean by a welfare state? (2) Q. 3. Mention any two political rights. (1+1) Q. 4. What is meant by comparative politics? (2) Q. 5. Define socialism. (2) Q. 6. Write any two electoral devices which ensure adequate representation to minorities. (1+1) Q. 7. What is the meaning of adult franchise? (2) Q. 8. What do you mean by planning? (2) Q. 9. Define mixed economy. (2) Q. 10. List any two functions of the Security council. (1+1) Q. 11. Describe any four sources of law. (1+1+1+1) Q. 12. “State is a necessary evil”. Do you agree? Write any two arguments in support of your answer. (2+2) Q. 13. Explain the historical method of comparative politics. What is the utility of studying comparative politics? (2+2) Q. 14. Explain the meaning of political socialization. (4) Q. 15. Briefly explain any two characteristics of Marxism. (2+2) Q. 16. List any four drawbacks in the electoral process of India. (1+1+1+1) Q. 17. Define political parties. Mention any two advantages of mono party system. (2+1+1) Q. 18. Explain the composition the and any two functions of the Planning Commission. (2+1+1) Q. 19. Write any four arguments to establish that regional imbalances have inspired regionalism in India. (1+1+1+1) Q. 20. List any two aspects of Indo-U.S. cordial relations. (2+2) Q. 21. “Liberty and equality are supplementary to each other” Do you agree? Give arguments in favour of your answer. (8) Or What is meant by social justice? Explain any three measures taken by India to secure it to her citizens. (2+2+2+2) Q. 22. Define liberalism. Describe any two fundamental principles of modern liberalism. (4+4) Or What is fascism? Examine any two of its weaknesses. (+4) Q. 23. Critically examine the role of opposition in the Indian political system. (8) Or “The regional parties are playing an important role in the working of Indian political system.” Do you agree? Give any there arguments in support of your answer. (2+6) Q. 24. What do you mean by economic inequality? Suggest any three steps which can help to reduce it. (2+6) Or To what extent the population explosion is a danger to the socio-economic development of India? How can this problem be solved. (4+4) Q. 25. “Non-alignment has lost its relevance in the uni-polar world.” Do you agree? Give any two arguments in favour of your answer. (4+4) Or What is meant by disarmament? Estimate the significance of the efforts of the United Nations in this direction. (2+6)