. ORIYA Code No. 013
One paper 3 Hours Marks : 100
Section A Marks : 40 Suggested
1. Grammar 30 40
(i) Sandhi (Swara, Bisarga) 5
(ii) Samas (Tatpurusa, Dwandva, Dvigu & Bahubrihi) 5
(iii) Antonyms 5
(iv) Transformation of sentences (Affirmative, Negative,
Interrogative, Exclamatory) 5
(v) Krudanta & Tadhita 5
(vi) synonyms 5
2. Essay writing (one from three) 10 25
3. Comprehension of an unseen prose passage 10 25
Section B Marks : 50
1. Prose (for detailed study) 25 40
(i) General questions on the text (one from two) 10
(ii) Explanation of the passage chosen from the prescribed
lesson (one from two) 5
(iii) Short answer type questions (one or two sentences) 5×2=10
Prescribed Book : Sahitya (2000 edition)
Published by : Board of Secondary Education of Orissa
Lessons to be studied
1. Duniara Halchal - Gopal Chandra Prahraj
2. Narada Stuti - Sadasiv Mishra
3. Jatiya Srotare Buddhijibi Manankara Sthana - Baidyanath Mishra
4. Swadhina jatira Nutana Mulyabodha - Golaka Bihari Dhal
5. Kala O Samskrutira Bipula Sambhara - Suryakanta
6. Pruthibiku Jwara Asuchi - Sarat Kumar Mohanty
2. Poetry 15 30
(i) General questions on the prescribed poems (one from two) 10
(ii) Explanation of stanzas from prescribed poems
(one from two) 5
Poems to be studied :
1. Bhagabata Bani - Jagannath Das
2. Chanura Nidhana - Bhakta Charan Das
3. Utkala Santana - Modhusudan Das
4. Nadi Prati - Modhusudan Rao
5. Dhauli Pahara - padmacharan Pattanaik
6. Nimisaka Dekha - Godabarish Mishra
7. Agami - Kalindi Charan Panigrahi
8. Bapuji - Maydhar Mansingh
Short stories and one act plays (for non-detailed study) 10
Prescribed Book : Galpa Ekanika (2000 edition)
Published by : Published by Board of Secondary Education, Orissa
(i) Two short questions (two from four) 5 × 2 = 10
Lesson to be studied :
1. Dakamunsi - Phakir Mohan Senapati
2. Bauli - Rajakishore Ray
3. Aiburhi - Basant Kumar Satpathy
4. Holi - Bama Charan Mitra
5. Sariputta - Surendra Mohanty
6. Seemabadha - Beenapuri Mohanty
7. Dura Pahara - Prana bandhu Kar
8. Show - Biswajit Das
Time Allowed Marks : 100
Section A Suggested
1. Grammar 30 40
(a) Formation of words (noun to adjective and
adjective to noun) 03
(b) Sandhi (Byanjan & Bisarga) 03
(c) Samasa (Karmadharaya, Abyaibhaba) 03
(d) Transformation of sentences (simple, compound, complex) 03
(e) Correction of common errors in words 03
(f) Idioms & Krudanta 03
(g) Taddhita & Krudanta 03
(h) Samochharita Sabda (similar words with different meanings) 03
(i) Synonyms 03
(j) Punctuation marks 03
2. Comprehension of an unseen prose passage (5 × 2) 10 25
3. Letter to the Editor on social issues (one from two) 10 25
or Essay writing
Section B Marks : 50
1. Prose (for detailed study) 25 40
(i) General questions (one from two) 10
(ii) Explanation of the passage (one from two) 5
(iii) Short answer type questions (one or two sentences)
(five from seven) 10
Prescribed Book : Sahitya (2001) (Prose section)
Published by : Board of Secondary Education, Orissa
Lessons to be studied :
1. Mahattwa Sashibusan Ray
2. Janmabhumi Krushna Chandra Panigrahi
3. Satyara path Bhubaneswar Behera
4. Smruti O Bismrutira Saranath Manoj Das
2. Poetry (For Detailed Study) 15 30
1. General question (one from two) 10
2. Explanation of the passage (one from two) 05
Prescribed book : Sahitya (2001) (Poetry Section)
Published by : Board of Secondary Education, Orissa
Lessons to be studied :
1. Sriramanka Naujatra Upendra Bhanja
2. Futiba Utkala Bhasa Kamalini Radhanath Ray
3. Sephali Prati Kuntala Kumari Sabat
4. Konarka Sachidananda Routray
5. Gramapatha Binod Chandra Nayak
Non-Detailed Study : Galpa Ekankika (2000 Edition)
Published by : Board of Secondary Education, Orissa
Two questions (Two from four) 5 × 2 = 10 20
Lessons to be studied :
1. Tume Ki Sate Pasana Hela - Godabarish Mohapatra
2. Thaka - Raj Kishore Pattanayak
3. Asubha Putrara Kahani - Achutananda Pati
4. Divya Drusti - Akhila Mohan Pattanayak
5. Daktara Jwain - Gopal Chhotray
6. Phalgu - Manoranjan Das |