27. SPANISH - Code No. 096
One paper 3 Hours Marks : 100 Suggested
1. Aims and objectives 100
A. To develop the following skills :
Listening, speaking, reading and writing. A learner should be able to :
(a) Listen and comprehend elementary structures of the spoken
language of everday use.
(b) Converse about everyday life situations using simple structures.
(c) Read simple texts correctly and fluently.
(d) Write short paragraph and dialogues (using simple sentences)
on topics of everyday life situatins.
Note : Efforts should be made to supply basic information about the historico-geographical specificities of the Spanish speaking world.
Course Content
Phonetics (To be tested internally and informally)
(i) Sounds and the alphabet
(ii) Accent
(iii) Intonation patterns
(A) Grammar 50 100
(Morphology and Syntax)
1. (a) Nouns and articles, gender and number
(b) Pronouns : personal, possessive direct and indirect pronous
(c) Adjectives and adverbs
(d) Verbs : All types of verbs
(e) Tenses : Present Imperative mood
(f) Usage of "tener" and "hacer"
(B) Writing skills 35 60
(a) Guided paragraph writing on topics
of everyday life situations 15
(b) Simple Dialogue writing on matters related to
everyday life 10
(c) Description of pictures 10
Comprehension 15 50
Simple answers to be formulated on simple passages related everyday life situations.
Prescribed book :
Espanol en Directo level I A, (15 lessons) by Sanchez, Rios
Dominguez, SGEL, Madrid, 1998.
Recommended book :
Ven I, Castro, Marin, morales, Rosa, Edelsa Madrid 1995.
One paper 3 Hours Marks : 100
1. Aims and objectives
The objective of the course is to strengthen the basic
knowledge of the language imparted in Class IX and develop
further the acquired skills.
The course would, therefore, aim at strengthening the
following language skills :
(a) Listening : aural comprehension of text with new lexical items.
(b) Speaking : conversation on general topics.
(c) Reading : reading and understanding simple texts.
(d) Writing : Simple essays, description of persons and places.
Note: Efforts should be made to supply basic information about the historico-geographical specifificieties of the Spanish speaking world.
Course Content :
Phonetics : Reading of simple text of prose and verse with the aim of learning intonation patterns. (To be tested internally and informally)
(A) Grammar 50 100
Morphology and Syntax
(i) (a) Revision of grammar done in class IX 10
(b) Verbs : Reflexive. Special emphasis to be
given on the verbs "Gustar" 10
(c) Tense : Present perfect continuous, Future,
Imperfect past, past Historic, Introduction
to Subjunctive Mood. 20
(d) Idiomatic expressions 10
(B) Writing skills 35
(a) Guided essay writing on topics of everyday
life situations 15 30
(b) Simple dialogue on topics related to every
day life situation 10 25
(c) Description of pictures 10 25
(C) Comprehension 15 50
Simple answers to be formulated on simple passages
related to everyday life situations.
Prescribed book :
(1) Espanol en Directo level I A, (last 5 lessons) be Sanchez et al,
SGEL, Madrid, 1988.
(2) Espanol en Directo Level I B, (First 16 lessons) by Sanchez,
SGEL, Madrid 1988.
Recommended book :
Ven I, Castro Marin, Morales, Rosa, Edelsa Madrid 1995. |